Principles of Scientific Management
In the last century, organizations already had to
deal with management in practice. In the early 1900s, large organizations, such
as production factories, had to be managed too. At the time there were only few
external management tools, models and methods available.
At this juncture, Mr.Frederick Winslow Taylor
(F.W.Taylor) brought about a scientific approach to managing the workforce
after his experiments with the African and South American slaves employed in a
coal field in England. His aim was absolute harmony in work place for overall
productivity of the organization
Principles of scientific management propounded by
Taylor are
1. Science, Not Rule of Thumb
2. Harmony, Not Discord
3. Mental Revolution
4. Cooperation, Not Individualism
5. Development of each and every person to his or
her greatest efficiency and prosperity.
They are explained in brief as follows:
In order to increase organisational efficiency, the
‘Rule of Thumb’ method should be substituted by the methods developed through
scientific analysis of work.
Rule of Thumb means decisions taken by manager as per their personal judgments. According to Taylor, even a small production activity like loading iron sheets into box cars can be scientifically planned. This will help in saving time as well as human energy. Decisions should be based on scientific enquiry with cause and effect relationships.
This principle is concerned with selecting the best
way of performing a job through the application of scientific analysis and not
by intuition or hit and trial methods. The work assigned to any employee should
be observed and analyzed with respect to each element or part thereof and the
time involved therein so as to decide the best way of performing that work and
to determine the standard output for same.
Taylor emphasized that there should be complete harmony between the workers and the management since if there is any conflict between the two, it will not be beneficial either for the workers or the management. Both the management and the workers should realize the importance of each other. In order to achieve this state, Taylor suggested complete mental revolution on the part of both management and workers.
It means that there should be complete change in
the attitude and outlook of workers and management towards each other. It
should always be kept in mind that prosperity for an employer cannot exist for
a long time unless it is accompanied by the prosperity of the employees of that
organisation and vice versa. It becomes possible by (a) sharing a part of
surplus with workers (b) training of employees, (c) employees of that
organisation and vice versa. It becomes possible by (a) sharing a part of
surplus with workers (b) training of employees, (c) division of work (d) team
spirit (e) positive attitude (f) sense of discipline (g) sincerity etc.
Management should always be ready to share the gains of the company with the
workers and the latter should provide their full cooperation and hard work for
achieving organizational goals. Group action with mutual-trust and
understanding should be perfect understanding the focus of working. This
principle requires that there should be perfect understanding between the
management and workers and both should feel that they are part of same family.
It helps to produce synergy effect since both management and workers work in
For example, in most of the Japanese companies,
paternalistic style of management is in practice and there is complete openness
between workers and the management. Usually, workers don‘t go on strike but, if
at all they do so, they just wear a black badge and work even more than the
normal hours just to impress upon the management that their focus is on their
demands as well as organisational objectives.
The technique of Mental Revolution involves a
change in the attitude of workers and management towards each other. Both
should realize the importance of each other and should work with full
cooperation. Management as well as the workers should aim to increase the
profits of the organisation. For this, the workers should put in their best
efforts so that the company makes profit and on the other hand management
should share part of profits with the workers. Thus, mental revolution requires
a complete change in the outlook of both management and workers. There should
be a spirit of togetherness between workers and management.
This principle is an extension of principle of
‘Harmony, not discord’ and lays stress on mutual cooperation between workers
and the management. Cooperation, mutual confidence, sense of goodwill should
prevail among both, managers as well as workers. The intention is to replace
internal competition with cooperation. Both ‘Management’ and ‘Workers’ should
realize the importance of each other. Workers should be considered as part of
management and should be allowed to take part in decision making process of the
management. Management should always welcome their suggestions and should also reward
them if their suggestions prove to be beneficial for the organisation viz.
reduction of costs or increase in production etc. At the same time, workers
should also resist from going on strike or making unnecessary demands from
management. Workers should be treated as integral part of organisation and all
important decisions should be taken after due consultation with workers. Both
of them should visualize themselves as two pillars whose soundness alone can
ensure achievement of common goals of the organisation. Taylor also suggested
that there should be proper division of work and responsibility between the
two. Management should always guide, encourage and help the workers.
Efficiency of any organisation also depends on the
skills and capabilities of its employees to a great extent. Thus, providing
training to the workers was considered essential in order to learn the best
method developed through the use of scientific approach. To attain the
efficiency, steps should be taken right from the process of selection of
employees. Employees should be scientifically selected. The work assigned to
each employee should suit his/her physical, mental and intellectual capabilities.
Efficient employees produce more to earn more. This ultimately helps to attain
efficiency and prosperity for both organisation and the employees.
The Principles of Taylor’s Scientific Management
Theory became widely practiced, and the resulting cooperation between workers
and managers eventually developed into the teamwork we enjoy today. While
Taylorism in a pure sense isn’t practiced much today, scientific management did
provide many significant contributions to the advancement of management practice.
It introduced systematic selection and training procedures, it provided a way
to study workplace efficiency, and it encouraged the idea of systematic
organizational design.
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