Chapter 10
Database Design Methodology
and Use of UML
In this chapter we move from the database design principles that were
presented in Chapters 7 through 9 to examine some of the more practical aspects
of database design. We have already described material that is relevant to the
design of actual databases for practical real-world applications. This material
includes Chapters 7 and 8 on database conceptual modeling; Chapters 3 through
6 on the relational model, the SQL language, and relational algebra and
calculus; and Chapter 9 on mapping a high-level conceptual ER or EER schema
into a relational schema. We will present additional relevant materials in
later chapters, including an overview of programming techniques for relational
systems (RDBMSs) in Chapters 13 and 14, and data dependency theory and
relational normalization algorithms in Chapters 15 and 16.
The overall database design activity has to undergo a systematic process
called the design methodology,
whether the target database is managed by an RDBMS, an object database management system (ODBMS, see Chapter 11), an
object-relational database management system (ORDBMS, see Chapter 11), or some
other type of database management system. Various design methodologies are
provided in the database design tools currently supplied by vendors. Popular
tools include Oracle Designer and related products in Oracle Developer Suite by
Oracle, ERwin and related products by CA, PowerBuilder and PowerDesigner by
Sybase, and ER/Studio and related products by Embarcadero Technologies, among
many others. Our goal in this chapter is to discuss not one specific
methodology but rather data-base design in a broader context, as it is
undertaken in large organizations for the design and implementation of
applications catering to hundreds or thousands of users.
Generally, the design of small databases with perhaps up to 20 users
need not be very complicated. But for medium-sized or large databases that
serve several diverse application groups, each with dozens or hundreds of
users, a systematic approach to the overall database design activity becomes
necessary. The sheer size of a populated database does not reflect the
complexity of the design; it is the database schema that is the more important
focus of database design. Any database with a schema that includes more than 20
entity types and a similar number of relationship types requires a careful
design methodology.
Using the term large database
for databases with several dozen gigabytes of data and a schema with more than
30 or 40 distinct entity types, we can cover a wide array of databases used in
government, industry, and financial and commercial institutions. Service sector
industries, including banking, hotels, airlines, insurance, utilities, and
communications, use databases for their day-to-day operations 24 hours a day, 7
days a week—known in the industry as 24
by 7 operations. Application systems for these databases are called transaction processing systems due to
the large transaction volumes and rates that are required. In this chapter we
will concentrate on the database design for such medium- and large-scale
databases where transaction processing dominates.
This chapter has a variety of objectives. Section 10.1 discusses the
information system life cycle within organizations with a particular emphasis
on the database system. Section 10.2 highlights the phases of a database
design methodology within the organizational context. Section 10.3 introduces
some types of UML diagrams and gives details on the notations that are
particularly helpful in collecting requirements and performing conceptual and
logical design of databases. An illustrative partial example of designing a
university database is presented. Section 10.4 introduces the popular software
development tool called Rational Rose, which uses UML diagrams as its main
specification technique. Features of Rational Rose specific to database requirements
modeling and schema design are highlighted. Section 10.5 briefly dis-cusses
automated database design tools. Section 10.6 summarizes the chapter.
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