Algebra is a major component of mathematics
that is used to unify mathematics concepts. Algebra is built on experiences
with numbers and operations along with geometry and data analysis. The word
“algebra” is derived from the Arabic word “al-Jabr”. The Arabic mathematician
Al-Khwarizmi has traditionally been known as the “Father of algebra”. Algebra
is used to find perimeter, area, volume of any plane figure and solid.
Partial Fractions
Rational Expression
An improper fraction can be expressed as the
sum of an integral function and a proper fraction.
Partial Fractions
Process of writing a single fraction as a sum
or difference of two or more simpler fractions is called splitting up into partial
Generally if p (x) and q
are two rational integral algebraic functions of x and the fraction p(x)/q(x)
be expressed as the algebraic sum (or difference) of simpler fractions
according to certain specified rules, then the fraction p(x)/q(x) is said to be
resolved into partial fractions.
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