Neuroanatomical Hypothesis
Gorman and colleagues (2000) begin with the observation that there is a
remarkable similarity between the physiological and behavioral consequences of
panic attacks in humans and condi-tioned fear responses in animals.
Similarities include autonomic arousal, fear evoked by specific cues (i.e.,
contextual fear) and avoidance of these cues. Animal research indicates that
condi-tioned fear responses are mediated by a “fear network” in the brain,
consisting of the amygdala and its afferent and efferent projections, particularly
its connections with the hippocampus, medial prefrontal cortex, hypothalamus
and brainstem. Animal studies also show that activation of this network
produces biolog-ical and behavioral reactions that are similar to those
associated with panic attacks. Thus, Gorman and colleagues (2000) posit that a
similar network is involved in panic disorder.
The fear network consists of a complex matrix of intercon-nections,
implicating a number of brain structures and neurotrans-mitter systems. Sensory
input passes through the anterior thalamus to the lateral nucleus of the
amygdala. Input is then transferred to the central nucleus of the amygdala,
which coordinates autonomic and behavioral responses. Direct sensory input to
the amygdala from brainstem structures and the sensory thalamus enables a rapid
response to potentially threatening stimuli. The central nu-cleus of the
amygdala projects to the following structures:
the parabrachial nucleus,
producing an increase in respira-tory rate;
the lateral nucleus of the hypothalamus,
causing autonomic arousal and sympathetic discharge;
the locus coeruleus, leading to
an increase in norepinephrine and to increases in blood pressure, heart rate
and behavioral fear responses (e.g., freezing);
the paraventricular nucleus of
the hypothalamus, resulting in an increase in the release of adrenocorticoids;
the periaqueductal gray region,
leading to avoidance beha-viors.
In addition, there are reciprocal connections between the amy-gdala and
the sensory thalamus, prefrontal cortex, insula, and primary somatosensory
Panic attacks arise from excessive activation of the fear network
(Gorman et al., 2000). The fear
network becomes sensi-tized (conditioned) to respond to noxious stimuli such as
internal (bodily sensations) and external (contexts or situations) that the
person associates with panic. Sensitization of the network may be manifested by
the strengthening of various projections from the central nucleus of the
amygdala to brainstem sites (such as the locus ceruleus, periaqueductal gray
region and hypothalamus). The network could be over-activated if brainstem
inputs to the amygdala are dysregulated. However, autonomic activation (e.g.,
increased respiration and heart rate) and neuroendocrine activa-tion (e.g.,
increased cortisol secretion) does not occur in all panic attacks. Moreover, a
variety of biological agents with diverse physiological properties can trigger
panic attacks in people with panic disorder (e.g., sodium lactate, yohimbine,
CO2, caffeine, cholecystokinin-4). It is, therefore, unlikely that a single
brain-stem dysregulation is responsible for panic or, in turn, that brain-stem
dysregulation is the only way of producing an over-active fear network.
There may be other ways of activating the fear network. For example, the
amygdala receives input from cortical regions involved in the processing and
evaluation of sensory information. Therefore, a neurocognitive deficit in these
cortico-amygdala pathways could result in the catastrophic misinterpretation of
sensory information (i.e., misinterpretation of bodily sensations), leading to
an inappropriate activation of the fear network. No-tice that this pathway
resembles the cognitive model of panicdescribed earlier. Thus, Gorman and
colleagues (2000) model integrates the cognitive model and places it in a
neuroanatomical context.
In addition to playing a role in panic disorder, the fear network is
thought to play a role in other anxiety disorders and in mood disorders. This
is consistent with the comorbidity be-tween panic disorder and these disorders.
Abnormalities in the fear network may vary from disorder to disorders. For
example, the strength of various connections between components of the network
may distinguish various disorders.
Medications, particularly selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
(SSRIs), are thought to desensitize the fear network. This may happen in a
number of ways. SSRIs increase sero-tonergic transmission in the brain.
Serotonergic neurons origi-nate in the brainstem raphe and project throughout
the central nervous system and some of these projections have inhibitory
influences. For example, the greater the activity in the raphe, the greater the
inhibition of noradrenergic neurons in the locus ceruleus, resulting in a reduction
of cardiovascular symptoms associated with panic attacks, such as tachycardia.
Similarly, the greater the activity in the raphe, the greater the inhibition in
the periaqueductal gray region, resulting in a reduction in avoid-ance
behavior. Increased serotonergic activity also may reduce hypothalamic release
of corticotropin-releasing factor, thereby resulting in a reduction of cortisol
and a reduction in activity of the locus ceruleus thereby leading to a
reduction in fear. SSRIs may also directly inhibit activity of the lateral
nucleus of the amygdala. Thus, there appear to be several ways in which SS-RIs
could desensitize the fear network. Effective psychological therapies are
thought to reduce contextual fear and catastrophic misinterpretations at the
level of the medial prefrontal cortex and hippocampus.
The fear network is thought to be influenced by genetic factors and
stressful life events, particularly events in early childhood. The search for
genetic markers and candidate genes for panic disorder has revealed several
possible loci but, to date, none has been replicated across studies. Research
with monozygotic and dizygotic twins show that panic disorder is moderately
heritable, with 32 to 46% of variance in liability for panic being attributed
to genetic factors (Kendler et al.,
Vulnerability to panic disorder appears to result from a combination of
disorder-specific and disorder-nonspecific fac-tors. The importance of
nonspecific genetic factors is consistent with observation that panic disorder
is often comorbid with other disorders. Twin studies suggest that nonspecific
factors influence the vulnerability to several disorders, including panic
disorder, bulimia nervosa, generalized anxiety disorder and alcohol
de-pendence. Genetic factors specific to panic disorder may be those that
influence the tendency catastrophically to misinterpret bod-ily sensations.
This cognitive tendency is a distinguishing feature of panic disorder, as
described above. Recent twin research indi-cates that it is moderately
heritable in women but not men (Jang et
al., 1999). Thus, some specific genetic factors in panic disorder appear to be sex-linked.
Environmental events occurring during particular devel-opmental phases
such as separation from the primary caregiver during early childhood may
activate the genes that modulate the fear network, thereby creating a
vulnerability to panic disorder. Research suggests that later events, occurring
during adolescence or early adulthood, then precipitate panic disorder in
vulnerable individuals. These events may stress the individual at a
psycho-logical or physiological level. Events commonly associated with the
onset of panic disorder include:
separation, loss, or illness of a
significant other;
being the victim of sexual
assault or other forms of interper-sonal violence;
financial or occupational
stressors; and
intoxication with, or withdrawal
from, a psychoactive sub-stance such as marijuana, cocaine, or anesthetic
The most
promising psychodynamic models for understanding panic disorder are those that
focus specifically on this disorder. Rather than review all the models, we will
summarize the model developed by the Cornell Panic-Anxiety Study Group (Milrod et al., 1997;
Shear et al., 1993)
because it has led to a promis-ing treatment. According to the Cornell group,
people at risk for panic disorder have 1) a neurophysiological vulnerability to
panic attacks, and/or 2) multiple experiences of developmental trauma. These
factors lead the child to become frightened of unfamiliar situations and to
become excessively dependent on the primary caregiver to provide a sense of
safety. The caregiver is unable to provide support always, so the child
develops a fearful depend-ency. This leads, in turn, to the development of
unconscious con-flicts about dependency (independence versus reliance on
others) and anger (expression versus inhibition). The dependency conflict is
said to express itself in a number of ways. Some panic-vulnera-ble people are
sensitive to separation and overly reliant on others, while others are
sensitive to suffocation and overly reliant on a sense of independence. These
conflicts can activate conscious or unconscious fantasies of catastrophic
danger, which can trigger panic attacks. In addition, the conflicts evoke
aversive emotions, such as anxiety, anger and guilt. The otherwise benign
arousal sensations accompanying these emotions can become the focus of
“conscious as well as unconscious cognitive catastrophizing”, thereby leading
to panic attacks.
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