Overview of the C++ Language Binding in the ODMG Standard
The C++
language binding specifies how ODL constructs are mapped to C++ con-structs.
This is done via a C++ class library that provides classes and operations that
implement the ODL constructs. An object manipulation language (OML) is needed
to specify how database objects are retrieved and manipulated within a C++
pro-gram, and this is based on the C++ programming language syntax and
semantics. In addition to the ODL/OML bindings, a set of constructs called physical pragmas are defined to allow
the programmer some control over physical storage issues, such as clustering of
objects, utilizing indexes, and memory management.
The class
library added to C++ for the ODMG standard uses the prefix d_ for class declarations that deal
with database concepts.46 The goal is that the programmer should
think that only one language is being used, not two separate languages. For the
programmer to refer to database objects in a program, a class D_Ref<T> is defined for each database class T in the schema. Hence, program variables of type D_Ref<T> can refer to both persistent and transient objects of class T.
In order
to utilize the various built-in types in the ODMG object model such as
collection types, various template classes are specified in the library. For
example, an abstract class D_Object<T> specifies the operations to be
inherited by all objects. Similarly, an abstract class D_Collection<T> specifies the operations of collections. These classes are
not instantiable, but only specify the operations that can be inher-ited by all
objects and by collection objects, respectively. A template class is specified
for each type of collection; these include D_Set<T>, D_List<T>, D_Bag<T>, D_Varray<T>, and D_Dictionary<T>,
and correspond to the collection types in the object
model (see Section 11.3.1). Hence, the programmer can create classes of types
such as D_Set<D_Ref<STUDENT>> whose instances would be
sets of refer-ences to STUDENT objects,
or D_Set<string> whose instances would be
sets of strings. Additionally, a class d_Iterator
corresponds to the Iterator class of
the object model.
The C++
ODL allows a user to specify the classes of a database schema using the
constructs of C++ as well as the constructs provided by the object database
library. For specifying the data types of attributes,47 basic types
such as d_Short (short integer), d_Ushort (unsigned short integer), d_Long (long integer), and d_Float (floating point number) are
provided. In addition to the basic data types, several structured literal types
are provided to correspond to the structured literal types of the ODMG object
model. These include d_String, d_Interval, d_Date, d_Time, and d_Timestamp (see Figure 11.5(b)).
specify relationships, the keyword rel_ is used
within the prefix of type names; for example, by writing
d_Rel_Ref <DEPARTMENT, Has_majors> Majors_in;
in the STUDENT class, and
d_Rel_Set<STUDENT, Majors_in> Has_majors;
in the DEPARTMENT class, we are declaring that Majors_in and Has_majors are relationship properties
that are inverses of one another and hence represent a 1:N binary relationship
For the
OML, the binding overloads the operation new
so that it can be used to create either persistent or transient objects. To
create persistent objects, one must provide the database name and the
persistent name of the object. For example, by writing
D_Ref<STUDENT> S = new(DB1, ‘John_Smith’) STUDENT;
programmer creates a named persistent object of type STUDENT in database DB1 with persistent name John_Smith. Another operation, delete_object() can be used to delete objects. Object
modification is done by the operations (methods) defined in each class by the
The C++
binding also allows the creation of extents by using the library class d_Extent. For example, by writing
programmer would create a named collection object ALL_PERSONS—whose type would be D_Set<PERSON>—in the database DB1 that would hold persistent
objects of type PERSON.
However, key constraints are not supported in the C++ binding, and any key
checks must be programmed in the class methods. Also, the C++ binding does not
support persistence via reachability; the object must be stati-cally declared
to be persistent at the time it is created.
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