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Chapter: Embedded Systems Design : Emulation and debugging techniques

Onboard debugger

The onboard debugger provides a very low level method of debugging software.

Onboard debugger


The onboard debugger provides a very low level method of debugging software. Usually supplied as a set of EPROMs which are plugged into the board or as a set of software routines that are combined with the applications code, they use a serial connection to communicate with a PC or workstation. They provide several functions: the first is to provide initialisa-tion code for the processor and/or the board which will nor-mally initialise the hardware and allow it to come up into a known state. The second is to supply basic debugging facilities and, in some cases, allow simple access to the board’s periph-erals. Often included in these facilities is the ability to download code using a serial port or from a floppy disk.



PC=000404 SR=2000 SS=00A00000 US=00000000   X=0

A0=00000000 A1=000004AA         A2=00000000      A3=00000000 N=0

A4=00000000 A5=00000000 A6=00000000      A7=00A00000 Z=0

D0=00000001 D1=00000013 D2=00000000      D3=00000000 V=0

D4=00000000 D5=00000000 D6=00000000 D7=00000000 C=0

---------->LEA       $000004AA,A1            


PC=00040A SR=2000 SS=00A00000 US=00000000  X=0

A0=00000000 A1=000004AA         A2=00000000      A3=00000000 N=0

A4=00000000 A5=00000000 A6=00000000      A7=00A00000 Z=0

D0=00000001 D1=00000013 D2=00000000      D3=00000000 V=0

D4=00000000 D5=00000000 D6=00000000 D7=00000000 C=0

---------->MOVEQ #19,D1                




Example display from an onboard M68000 debugger

When the board is powered up, the processor fetches its reset vector from the table stored in EPROM and then starts to initialise the board. The vector table is normally transferred from EPROM into a RAM area to allow it to be modified, if needed. This can be done through hardware, where the EPROM memory address is temporarily altered to be at the correct location for power-on, but is moved elsewhere after the vector table has been copied. Typically, a counter is used to determine a preset number of memory accesses, after which it is assumed that the table has been transferred by the debugger and the EPROM address can safely be changed.


The second method, which relies on processor support, allows the vector table to be moved elsewhere in the memory map. With the later M68000 processors, this can also be done by changing the vector base register which is part of the supervi-sor programming model.


The debugger usually operates at a very low level and allows basic memory and processor register display and change, setting RAM-based breakpoints and so on. This is normally performed using hexadecimal notation, although some debuggers can provide a simple disassembler function. To get the best out of these systems, it is important that a symbol table is generated when compiling or linking software, which will provide a cross-reference between labels and symbol names and their physical address in memory. In addition, an assem-bler source listing which shows the assembler code generated for each line of C or other high level language code is invalu-able. Without this information it can be very difficult to use the debugger easily. Having said that, it is quite frustrating having to look up references in very large tables and this highlights one of the restrictions with this type of debugger.


While considered very low level and somewhat limited in their use, onboard debuggers are extremely useful in giving confidence that the board is working correctly and working on an embedded system where an emulator may be impractical. However, this ability to access only at a low level can also place severe limitations on what can be debugged.


The first problem concerns the initialisation routines and in particular the processor’s vector table. Breakpoints use either a special breakpoint instruction or an illegal instruction to generate a processor exception when the instruction is executed. Program control is then transferred to the debugger which displays the breakpoint and associated information. Similarly, the debugger may use other vectors to drive the serial port that is connected to the terminal.


This vector table may be overwritten by the initialisation routines of the operating system which can replace them with its own set of vectors. The breakpoint can still be set but when it is reached, the operating system will see it instead of the debugger and not pass control back to it. The system will normally crash because it is not expecting to see a breakpoint or an illegal instruction!


To get around this problem, the operating system may need to be either patched so that its initialisation routine writes the debugger vector into the appropriate location or this must be done using the debugger itself. The operating system is single stepped through its initialisation routine and the in-struction that overwrites the vector simply skipped over, thus preserving the debugger’s vector. Some operating systems can be configured to preserve the debugger’s exception vectors, which removes the need to use the debugger to preserve them.


A second issue is that of memory management where there can be a problem with the address translation. Break-points will still work but the addresses returned by the debugger will be physical, while those generated by the symbol table will normally be logical. As a result, it can be very difficult to reconcile the physical address information with the logical information.


The onboard debugger provides a simple but some-times essential way of debugging VMEbus software. For small amounts of code, it is quite capable of providing a method of debugging which is effective, albeit not as efficient as a full blown symbolic level debugger — or as complex or expensive. It is often the only way of finding out about a system which has hung or crashed.


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