seeds and their importance
Oil is extracted from
a range of oilseeds, fruits, nuts and seed kernels. However, not all oil
bearing seeds and nuts contain edible oil. Some contain poisons or unpleasant
flavours and are only used for paints.
A variety of vegetable
oils are used for household cooking, and also as an ingredient for other food
products such as baked items and snacks. Many oilseeds like mustard, corn,
sunflower, sesame, palm and olive seeds are used everyday in various parts of
our country for cooking purpose.
Mustard seeds are used for making mustard oil which is widely
used for cooking in India.
Mustard oil is a great oil substitute for traditional cooking
oil as it is often used as a stimulant to help digestion and circulation.
Due to its
antibacterial properties, this oil can help protect the skin. It can also
prevent cold, cough and skin problems.
Corn oil is a healthy edible oil.
It is composed mainly of poly unsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs )
and low on saturated fat.
Castor seeds are used for making castor oil which is mostly used
for beauty care purpose like hair care, skin care and other health benefits.
Castor oil has little higher viscosity so it is little stickier
than other types of oil.
Sunflower seeds are used for making sunflower oil which is be
widely used in cooking.
It is low in carbohydrate and contains 40 percent fat and
quality protein.
Sunflower oil is a great option as it is a good source of
vitamin E. It contains all the essential nutrients that are required for a
healthy body.
The polyunsaturated (PUFA) helps in lowering cholesterol. It
prevents colon cancer and is helpful in the repairing of the body, boosts the
immune system and also promotes proper functioning of the nervous system.
Sesame oil is made from sesame seeds. It is used for cooking,
body massage, ayurveda and also as alternative medicine.
Sesame oil is one great choice as it has a few restorative
properties. Sesame oil is beneficial for diabetics and also brings down the
circulatory strain of the heart.
It enhances oral cleanliness and dental well being of a person.
Palm oil seeds are largely obtained from tropical, subtropical
and warm regions of the world.
These seeds are used for making palm oil which has many
benefits. Palm oil is a rich source of antioxidants, carotenes and Vitamin E.
Olive seeds are largely found in Mediterranean region in some
parts of Asia and Africa.
Olive oil is used in cooking, and it is also good for heart.
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