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Chapter: Business Science : Managerial Behavior and Effectiveness : Defining The Managerial Job

Methods of Managerial job dimensions

Some other functions that managers perform are Communication, Listening, Oral Presentation, Written Communication and many more.

Methods of Managerial job dimensions


Heuristic methods of Managerial Behavior & Performance


The person


Qualities include


ü Ability to sustain defeat Alert

ü Ambitious Assertive

ü Capable of good judgment Confident

ü Competitive Creative

ü Decisive Dedicated

ü Defensive Dynamism

ü Emotional stability Energetic

ü Extrovert Fear of failure

ü Group oriented Honest

ü Intelligent Mentally strong

ü Optimistic Pragmatic

ü Predictable Realistic

ü Self-controlled Tolerant



The process


Answers how managers manage successfully


Manage work instead of people


Plan and organize effectively


Set goals realistically


Decisions based on consensus but accept responsibility


Delegate frequently and effectively


Rely on others to help solve problems



Communicate precisely


Cooperate with others


Display consistent and dependable behavior


Win with grace


Express hostility tactfully





These reflect on outcome of effective managing and include:


Organizational efficiency


High productivity


Profit maximization


Organizational stability


Employee welfare


Social welfare


The four greatest myths are:


1. Task-oriented skills are more important for leadership effectiveness than ar person oriented skills.


2. Male managers are more likely to possess task oriented abilities than are female managers; whereas female managers are more likely to possess person oriented skills than are male managers.


3. In order to maximize managerial effectiveness, men should be given the jobs that require task-oriented abilities and women should be given the jobs that require interpersonal skills.


4. If women want to rise to the top levels of management, they need to be more like men.


MYTH#1: Task-oriented skills are more important for leadership effectiveness than are person-oriented skills.


MYTH#2: Male managers are more likely to possess task-oriented abilities than are female mangers, whereas female managers are more likely to possess person-oriented skills than are male managers.


MYTH#3: In order to maximize managerial effectiveness, men should be given the jobs that require task-oriented abilities and women should be given the jobs that require interpersonal skills.



MYTH#4: If women want to rise to the top levels of management, they need to be more like men.


Benefits of Androgynous Management


Luthans description of effective and successful managers:


Fred Luthans and his associates studied more than 450 managers. What they found was that these managers all engaged in four managerial activities.


Traditional Management: Decision-making, planning, and controlling.


Communication: Exchanging routine information and processing paper work


Human resource Management: Motivating, disciplining, managing conflict, staffing and training.


Networking: Socializing, politicking, and interacting with outsiders.




Some other functions that managers perform are Communication, Listening, Oral Presentation, Written Communication and many more.


Delegation as an important function of Manager:


There are several advantages resulting from effective delegation:


In order to delegate, the manager should have the following:


·        Receptiveness – Willingness to delegate – welcomes the ideas of subordinate


·        Willingness to allow them to make decisions


·        Willingness to let others make mistakes


·        Willingness to trust subordinates


·        Should delegate only if they have means of getting feedback


·        Reward effective delegation.




Social Responsibilities of Managers and Ethics to be followed:

Ø   Responsibility towards shareholders


Ø   Responsibility towards consumers


Ø   Responsibility towards employees


Ø   Responsibility towards creditors


Ø   Responsibility towards the government



Ø   Responsibility towards suppliers


Ø   Responsibility towards competitors


Ø   Responsibility towards general public


Example: Tata group of companies took up social project as part of its corporate policy. Tata Steel Rural Development Society adopted 32 clusters of village around Jamshedpur initially. Today it serves more than 800 villages in eight districts of Bihar, Orissa and M.P.

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