Mental health
Mental health as an
important aspect of heath system comes directly under the scope of health
sociology where it has an important role to play in trying to understand the
full intricacies of mental illness, especially when it comes to the way in
which society influences and frames both how we see mental health and illness
and how society creates situations that can negatively impact on individual’s
mental health.
There are complexities
and uncertainties that surrounded the whole processes of diagnosis and
identifying mental illness. Unlike physical illness, there is often no clear‐cut objective
sign that someone is experiencing a mental illness. McPherson and Armstrong
(2006:50) this concern well, when they say:
is pneumonia or appendicitis or cancer can be agreed internationally with
reference to the presence or absence of certain clearly defined physical
characteristics. In psychiatry, however, there is no such external biological
referent to act as an anchor for diagnosis. Essentially, psychiatry classifies
on the basis of a patient’s patterns of symptoms which might vary according to
how they are elicited and interpreted.
Because then it cannot
always clearly identified what mental illness is, this makes the search for a
cause all the harder. Broadly speaking, explanations for mental illness fall
into one of two camps: biological explanations and social explanations. These
look in very different directions and see quite different reasons for the existence
of mental illness.
explanations focus on faulty genes or imbalance in the chemistry of the brain.
There is, for instance an association between low levels of serotonin and
depression. This way of thinking, of looking for biological cause, in
increasingly reinforced by the proliferation of pharmaceutical interventions
such as SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) for treating depression
which suggest that if an illness can be treated by chemicals, than it must have
a biological, organic basis.
Social explanations
fall into two general categories: Social
causation and Socialconstructionist.
Social causation perspective refers to how the various inequalities in society
(mainly to do with ethnicity, gender and class) produce toxic levels of stress
for some people. As a result of this stress, people may be ‘tripped’ into
mental illness, whether it is a woman expected to bring up children on her own
and keep down a job; or the experience someone from an ethnic minority group
has of being racially abused by a neighbor; or the constant soul destroying
grind of poverty and not being able to lead the life of that others enjoy.
Social constructionist explains mental illness is something that does not
exist as a ‘fact’ or something that is ‘real’ and has absolutely no organic
basis. This sociological view is influenced by the work of Foucault, who has
argued that there is no single incontestable truth that can be discovered and
agreed on by everyone. Rather, society is constructed by the idea and
conceptualizations of both individual people and also, more importantly,
certain powerful groups. Some groups, such as psychiatrists, are able to
construct a discourse that privileges a certain view point of others, which
allow them to effectively rule out and rule in ways of conceptualizing, for
example what constitutes mental illness. Constructing such discourses allows
such groups to become dominant in society and allows them to regulate and
control the activities of others.
Thus, both biological
explanations and social explanations explain about mental illness. But these
two are not sufficient to address the complexity of mental health and illness.
Rather there is a complex interweaving of both society and biology, where both
have to be understood as often working together in complex and dynamic ways. As
captured by Rose (2005) in his discussion of causes of mental illness and how
biology and society interact. He points out that just because a change in the
chemistry of the brain takes place does not mean that the chemical change
caused the illness. To illustrate this point he gives a beautiful example: if
someone has a headache, he takes an aspirin. If we
were then to check the
chemicals in the person’s brain in order to discover the chemical basis of a
headache, we would find aspirin. Thus, according to the biological explanation,
we would claim that aspirin causes headache, because people who do not have
headaches do not have the chemical aspirin present in their brains. Now,
obviously, this not to be the case. So, Rose concluded that chemical changes do
occur, but that could equally be the result of other (in this case social)
Pilgrim and Rogers
(1994) acknowledges and develops the social and cultural factors responsible
for mental health in their studies. According to them the misery and sufferings
of the world is related to the complexities of human life: that humans are
simultaneously organic biological and social beings. This critical realist
perspective fully acknowledges the strong and influential role of culture, but
does not say that it is all down to society. It also accepts the importance of
medical information and research, but crucially, questions how diagnoses are
framed by the social influences on the medical professions. Finally, a critical
realist perspective accepts that biological processes are at work but, like
Rose (2005) attempts to place those processes in a wider context where social
factors may be the cause of biological changes.
refers to an attitude that
‘discredits’ or prevents someone’s full acceptance in aparticular situation.
Social stigmas increase the stress of those with mental illness and exacerbate
feeling of social exclusion and social distance.
Goffman is one of the
best known sociologists to have studied and theorized how certain groups of
people attract stigma. His humanistic and sympathetic work focuses on why
certain attributes of an individual or group deny them full acceptance in given
situations and lead them either to be excluded or to be left with a feeling of
not ‘fitting in’. He classifies stigma into three broad groups:
Physical stigma
mainly to do with aspects visible ‘on the surface’ of people, for example
facial scarring, a physical impairment or an amputation.
Personal/character stigma ‐ mainly to do with aspects ‘below the surface’, for
example drug use, sexuality or mental health.
Social stigma
‐ belonging to a particular group or ethnic
minority. (Goffman, 1968)
The ‘counting the cost’
survey by Baker and Macpherson (2000) for MIND highlighted the extent of
stigmatizing images and the effects they had on people with mental illness. For
many respondents to the survey the social stigma was harder to deal with than
the symptoms of their particular condition.
There are a number of
explanations for why people from Black and other ethnic backgrounds appear to
have higher rates of mental illness and a different, often coercive,
relationship with services. These explanations include:
racist and
prejudiced attitude on the part of service providers and agencies of the state,
such as the police;
lack of cultural
more frequent
exposure to stressors in the form of, for example, unemployment; adjusting to a
new society if recently arrived;
However, Pilgrim and
Rogers (1993) pointed out another related concept regarding the relationship of
ethnicity and health. They draw on Foucault’s concept of seeing madness as a
part of the ‘other’, that is the groups of people who are regarded as being
outside the norm of society and as constituting a threat to the order of
Every review of
literature concerning sociology and mental health reaches the same conclusion
when discussing gender – that women always display higher rates of certain
mental illness than man (Foster 1995; Bebbington (1996).
In substantial review
of literature relating to women and depression Bebbington (1996) and Nazoo et
al. (1998) demonstrated the following points:
Women did report
more depressive episodes – whether distant, mild or exaggerated episodes.
Whereas there is little evidence for men masking their depression by turning to
alcohol or substance abuse.
The chance of
depression is higher in case of woman because of her role identity. For
example: a woman feels a particularly close attachment to and sense of responsibility
for children and because of her role identity, then the chance of depression is
much greater if there is child related problem,
such as difficulties at school or drug misuse.
One of the best known
pieces of sociological research on women and mental health was carried out by
Brown and Harris (1978). Key component of the model are:
Current vulnerability factors – these factors relate to events that have happened in
a woman’s past and indicates whether or not she may be more susceptible to
depression. There are four vulnerable factors:
losing a mother
before the age of 11;
presence at home
of three or more children under the age of 15years;
absence of any
confiding relationship, particularly with the husband;
lack of full or
Provoking agents –
there are various events that could occur in a woman’s life, which could then
trigger a depressive episode. The events mainly relate to loss and
disappointment, e.g. death, losing a job or discovering a partner’s unfaithfulness.
Symptom –
formation factors‐ women over 50 years of age and women with low self‐esteem were at
greatest risk of developing depression.
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