Meaning and Definition of Recruitment
Recruitment is the process of finding suitable
candidates for the various posts in an organisation. It is a process of
attracting potential people to apply for a job in an organisation. It acts as a
link between job provider and job seeker. It encourages the prospective
employees to apply for the job. Then the organization scrutinises the
applications received and the suitable candidates are shortlisted for
selection. The following are some of the definitions of Recruitment.
to Edwin B. Flippo, “It is a process of searching for prospective employees and
stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs in an organisation.”
There are different reasons why vacancy arises and
they are
i. Retirement of an employee
ii. Death of an employee
iii. Resignation of job by an employee
iv. Disablement of an employee
v. Dismissal of an employee
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