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Chapter: 12th English : UNIT 3 : Prose : In Celebration of Being Alive


Listen to the passage being read out. Based on your understanding, complete the statements given below with appropriate answers.


Listen to the passage being read out. Based on your understanding, complete the statements given below with appropriate answers.

1. Boredom occurs when a person is unable to stay attentive

2. Angry and frustration are emotional consequences of boredom.

3. Two physical signs of acute boredom are

a.  eyelids droop  b. the face assumes a frown

4. How does boredom affect the quality of work a person does?

Boredom affects the quality of work a person does to make many error than one who is not bored.

5. Mention two ways by which one can overcome boredom.

a.     set goals for yourself, work towards them   b.excercise regularly

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12th English : UNIT 3 : Prose : In Celebration of Being Alive : Listening | In Celebration of Being Alive | Prose | By Dr. Christiaan Barnard

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