Kleptomania shares with all other impulse control disorders the recurrent failure to resist impulses. Unfortunately, in the absence of epidemiological studies, little is known about kleptomania. Clinical case series and case reports are limited. Family, neuro-biological, and genetic investigations are not available. There are no established treatments of choice. Therefore, in reading this section the reader must keep in mind that much of what is de-scribed is based on limited data or on anecdotal information
etiology of kleptomania is essentially unknown, although various models have
been proposed in an effort to conceptual-ize the disorder. The affective
spectrum model suggests tha kleptomania and other impulse control disorders may
share a common underlying biological diathesis with other disorders, such as
depression, panic disorder, OCD and bulimia nervosa (McElroy et al., 1992; Hudson and Pope, 1990). In
some indi-viduals, kleptomania responds to treatment with thymoleptic agents or
electroconvulsive therapy. These observations are cited as support for an
affective spectrum model.
lines of evidence support kleptomania as belonging to the obsessive-compulsive
spectrum disorders. First, there are phenomenological similarities between the
classical obsessions and compulsions of OCD and the irresistible impulses and
repeti-tive actions characteristic of kleptomania. In addition, there ap-pears
to be a greater than chance occurrence of OCD in probands with kleptomania and
in their relatives. In addition, both condi-tions have significant comorbidity
with mood, anxiety, substance use and eating disorders. However, OCD rituals
are more clearly associated with relief of anxiety and harm avoidance, whereas
kleptomanic acts seem to be associated with gratification or plea-sure. In
addition, OCD is associated with a clear preferential re-sponse to SSRIs as
opposed to general thymoleptics. The limited treatment literature does not
support a similar response pattern in kleptomania. Unfortunately, the role of the
serotonergic or of any other neurotransmitter system has not been investigated
in kleptomania. Interestingly, a large study found subjects with mixed anorexia
and bulimia nervosa to have a higher lifetime prevalence of kleptomania than
those with either anorexia or bu-limia nervosa alone (Herzog et al., 1992). This could suggest a
relationship between kleptomania and both the obsessive–com-pulsive (anorexic)
and affective (bulimic) spectrum.
kleptomania could be conceptualized as an addictive disorder. The irresistible
impulse to steal is reminis-cent of the urge and the high associated with
drinking or using drugs. Marks (1990) has proposed a constellation of
behavioral (i.e., nonchemical) addictions encompassing OCD, compulsive spending,
gambling, binging, hypersexuality and kleptomania. This model postulates
certain concepts thought to be common in all these disorders, such as craving,
mounting tension, “quick fixing”, withdrawal, external cuing and habituation.
These com-ponents have not yet been well investigated in kleptomania.
It should
be emphasized that the lack of neurobiological or prospective pharmacological
treatment data for kleptomania limits any conclusions that can be drawn with
regard to biologi-cal models.
frequent theme, reported by numerous authors is that of kleptomania as an
acting-out aimed at alleviating depressive symptoms. From a psychodynamic point
of view, kleptomania has been viewed over the decades as a manifestation of a
variety of unconscious conflicts, with sexual conflicts figuring promi-nently
in the literature. Case reports have described conscious sexual gratification,
sometimes accompanied by frank masturba-tion or orgasm during kleptomanic acts
(Fishbain, 1987). Thus, it has been suggested, kleptomanic behavior serves to
discharge a sexual drive that may have forbidden connotations similar to those
of masturbation, and the stolen object itself may have un-conscious symbolic or
overt fetishistic significance. Although no systematic studies exist, there has
long been an implication in the literature on kleptomania that those afflicted
with klepto-mania suffer disproportionately from a variety of sexual
dys-functions. Turnbull (1987) described six patients with a primary diagnosis
of kleptomania, all of whom had dysfunctional sexual relationships with their
partners, compulsive promiscuity, or anorgasmia.
cases of kleptomania have been understood as re-flecting conflictual infantile
needs and attempts at oral gratifica-tion, masochistic wishes to be caught and
punished related to a harsh guilt-inducing superego or primitive aggressive
strivings, penis envy or castration anxiety with the stolen object
represent-ing a penis, a defense against unwelcome passive homosexual longings,
restitution of the self in the presence of narcissistic injuries, or the
acquisition of transitional objects. One should probably conclude that the
psychodynamics associated with kleptomania ought to be carefully tailored to
the individual pa-tient. The literature on kleptomania has frequently
implicated disturbed childhoods, inadequate parenting and significant
char-acter disturbances in kleptomanic patients. From this perspective
kleptomania can be more effectively understood in the context of an
individual’s overall character. Unfortunately, no clinical stud-ies exist that
systematically explore Axis II psychopathology in these patients.
presentation, the typical patient suffering from kleptomania is a 35-year-old
woman who has been stealing for about 15 years and may not mention kleptomania
as the presenting complaint or in the initial history. The patient may complain
instead of anxi-ety, depression, lability, dysphoria, or manifestations of
character pathology. There is often a history of a tumultuous childhood and
poor parenting, and in addition acute stressors may be pres-ent, such as
marital or sexual conflicts. The patient experiences the urge to steal as
irresistible, and the thefts are commonly as-sociated with a thrill, a high, a
sense of relief, or gratification. Generally, the behavior has been hard to
control and has often gone undetected by others. The kleptomania may be
restricted to specific settings or types of objects, and the patient may or may
not be able to describe rationales for these preferences. Quite of-ten, the
objects taken are of inherently little financial value, or have meaningless
financial value relative to the income of the person who has taken the object.
Additionally, the object may never actually be used. These factors often help
distinguish theft from kleptomania. The theft is followed by feelings of guilt
or shame and, sometimes, attempts at atonement. The frequency of stealing
episodes may greatly fluctuate in concordance with the degree of depression,
anxiety, or stress. There may be periods of complete abstinence. The patient
may have a past history of psy-chiatric treatments including hospitalizations
or of arrests and convictions, whose impact on future kleptomanic behavior can
be variable.
the diagnosis of kleptomania is not a complicated one to make. However,
kleptomania may frequently go undetected because the patient may not mention it
spontaneously and the psychiatrist may fail to inquire about it as part of the
routine his-tory. The index of suspicion should rise in the presence of
com-monly associated symptoms such as chronic depression, other impulsive or
compulsive behaviors, tumultuous backgrounds, or unexplained legal troubles. It
could convincingly be argued that a cursory review of compulsivity and
impulsivity, citing multiple examples for the patient, should be a part of any
thorough and complete psychiatric evaluation. In addition, it is important to
make a careful differential diagnosis and pay attention to thevarious exclusion
criteria before diagnosing theft as kleptoma-nia. Possible diagnoses of
sociopathy, mania, or psychosis should be carefully considered. In this regard,
the psychiatrist must in-quire about the affective state of the patient during
the episodes, the presence of delusions or hallucinations associated with the
occurrence of the behavior, the motivation behind the stealing, and the fate
and subsequent use of the objects.
the typical patient may be a 35-year-old woman, it is important to remember
that men, children and elderly per-sons may present with or engage in
kleptomania. Interestingly, men may first present for evaluation 15 years later
than women. Kleptomania occurs transculturally and has been described in
various Western and Eastern cultures. Asian observers have also noted an
overlap with eating disorders (Lee, 1994). Atypi-cal presentations should raise
a greater suspicion of an organic etiology, and a medical evaluation is then
indicated. Medical con-ditions that have been associated with kleptomania
include cor-tical atrophy, dementia, intracranial mass lesions, encephalitis,
normal-pressure hydrocephalus, benzodiazepine withdrawal and temporal lobe
epilepsy. A complete evaluation when such suspi-cions are present includes a
physical and neurological examina-tion, general serum chemistry and
hematological panels, and an EEG with temporal leads or computed tomography of
the brain.
No epidemiological
studies of kleptomania have been conducted, and thus its prevalence can be
calculated only grossly and in-directly. Despite the lack of valid
epidemiological data, there is general agreement that kleptomania is more
common among women than among men. However, women generally seek psy-chiatric
help more frequently than men, whereas men are more likely to become involved
with the penal system. Consequently, this may not reflect true gender
individuals with kleptomania who present for treat-ment, there is a high
incidence of comorbid mood, anxiety and eating disorders, when compared with
rates in the general population. Comorbidity patterns among individuals who
pres-ent for treatment may be greater than among random samples. More reliable
comorbidity rates can be found in a prospective investigation of 20 individuals
with kleptomania conducted by McElroy and coworkers (1991a). Lifetime DSM-III-R
comorbid-ity rates were 40% major depressive disorder, 50% substance abuse, 40%
panic disorder, 40% social phobia, 45% OCD, 30% anorexia nervosa, 60% bulimia
nervosa and 40% other impulse control disorders. Dissociative symptoms,
significant charac-ter pathology and trauma histories are commonly encountered
among this group.
In two
separate studies, the mean age at onset of kleptomania was reported to be 20
years (Goldman, 1991; McElroy et al.,
1991a). The subjects included individuals who had begun stealing as early as 5
to 7 years of age. The disorder appears to be chronic, lasting for decades,
albeit with varying intensity. Fifteen or 16 years may elapse before treatment
is sought. Onset in and beyond the fifth decade of life appears to be unusual,
and in some of these cases remote histories of past kleptomania can be
elicitedAt peak frequency, McElroy and colleagues (1991a) found a mean of 27
episodes a month, essentially daily stealing, with one pa-tient reporting four
acts daily. The majority of patients may even-tually be apprehended for
stealing once or more, and a minority may even be imprisoned; more often than
not these repercus-sions do not result in more than a temporary remission of
the behavior. Individuals with kleptomania may also have extensive histories of
psychiatric treatments, including hospitalization for other conditions, most
commonly depression or eating disorders. Because of the unavailability of
longitudinal studies, the progno-sis is not known. It appears, however, that
without treatment the behavior may be likely to persist for decades, sometimes
with significant associated morbidity. There may be transient periods of
general goal of treatment is the eradication of kleptomanic behavior. Treatment
typically occurs in the outpatient setting, unless comorbid conditions such as
severe depression, eating disturbances, or more dangerous impulsive behaviors
dictate hospitalization. The interview must be conducted in a respect-ful
climate that ensures confidentiality. Patients not only may experience considerable
guilt or shame for stealing but also may be unrevealing because of the fear of
legal repercussions. In the acute treatment phase, the aim is to decrease
significantly or, ideally, eradicate episodes of stealing during a period of
weeks to months. Concurrent conditions may compound the prob-lem and require
independently targeted treatment. The acute treatment of kleptomania has not
been, to date, systematically investigated.
As with
any condition that may be associated with intense guilt or shame, kleptomania
must be approached respectfully by the psychiatrist. Patients can be reassured
and their negative feel-ings alleviated to some degree with proper initial
psychoeduca-tion. The treatment alliance can be strengthened by consistently
maintaining a nonjudgmental and supportive stance. In addition, patients’ fears
regarding breaks of confidentiality and criminal repercussions must be
treatments have been systematically shown to be effective for kleptomania.
These treatment recommendations are supported by case reports and retrospective
reviews only. In general, it appears that thymoleptic medications and
behavioral therapy may be the most efficacious treatments for the short term,
whereas long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy may be indi-cated and have good
results for selected patients.
results have been reported regarding the pharmacological treatment of
kleptomania. In a literature review of 56 cases of kleptomania, McElroy and
coworkers (1991b) noted that somatic treatments were described for eight
patients. Significant improve-ment was reported for seven of these. Treatment
included antide-pressants alone, antidepressants combined with antipsychotics or
stimulants, electroconvulsive therapy alone, or electroconvulsive therapy with
antidepressants. It is still unclear whether kleptoma-nia responds
preferentially to serotonergic antidepressants, and this question awaits
further study. Other agents reported to have treated kleptomania successfully
include nortriptyline and ami-triptyline. In addition, it remains unclear if
the antikleptomanic effect of thymoleptics is dependent on or independent of
their antidepressant effect.
A number
of other medications have been employed to treat kleptomania. These include
antipsychotics, stimulants, valproic acid, carbamazepine, clonazepam and
lithium. Lithium augmentation may be of benefit when kleptomania does not
re-spond to an antidepressant alone. Finally, there have been some reports of
successful treatment of kleptomania with electrocon-vulsive therapy, which may
have been administered for a concur-rent mood disorder.
little is known about maintenance pharmacolog-ical treatment for kleptomania,
there is a suggestion in the litera-ture that symptoms tend to recur with
cessation of thymoleptic treatment and again remit when treatment is
studies of psychosocial interventions for kleptomania have not been performed.
However, a number of clinical reports have supported behavioral therapy for
kleptomania. The avail-able clinical literature suggests that for most patients
this may be a more efficacious approach than insight-oriented psycho-therapy.
Different behavioral techniques have been employed with some success, including
aversive conditioning, systematic desensitization, covert sensitization and
behavior modification. In their review of 56 reported cases of kleptomania,
McElroy and colleagues (1991a) noted that the eight patients who were treated
with behavioral therapy – mostly aversive conditioning – showed significant
improvement. We give here some specific examples of behavioral techniques that
have been successfully employed and described. One patient was taught to hold
her breath as a negative reinforcer whenever she experienced an impulse to
steal. Another patient was taught to use systematic desensitization techniques
to control the mounting anxiety as-sociated with the impulse to steal. A
patient treated by covert sensitization learned to associate images of nausea
and vomit-ing with the desire to steal. A woman who experienced sexual
excitement associated with shoplifting and would masturbate at the site of the
act was instructed to practice masturbation at home, while fantasizing
kleptomanic acts. There is a suggestion in the literature that these techniques
remain effective over the long term.
it appears that the most effective behavioral treat-ment of all may be complete
abstinence, that is, the patient should no longer visit any of the stores or
settings where kleptomanic acts occur. A number of patients who never come to
psychiatric attention apparently employ this technique successfully, and it may
be an appropriate treatment goal if it does not result in ex-cessive
restrictions of activity and lifestyle.
psychodynamic treatment of kleptomania centers on the exploration and working
through of the underlying conflict or conflicts. There are case reports in the
literature of successful psychodynamic treatment of kleptomania. Such
treatment, pos-sibly in combination with other approaches, may be indicated for
patients for whom a clear conflictual basis for the behavior can be formulated,
who also have the needed insight and motivation to undertake this type of
treatment. In proposing such treatments, which may be long term, the
psychiatrist should consider whether there are immediate risks that must be
addressed, such as a high risk of legal consequences.
Little is
known about treating kleptomania and therefore special treatment considerations
have not been elucidated. However, it is clear that comorbid conditions, such
as depression, bulimia ner-vosa, OCD, or substance abuse, must be addressed
along with the kleptomania. In addition to the inherent suffering and morbidity
of these other disorders, their course and severity could compound the
kleptomanic behavior. In the rare cases of a precipitating or exacerbating
organic etiology, the underlying organic cause must be treated. In addition,
the treatment of particular groups such as children or the elderly should take
into account special contribut-ing life stage or situational factors. The
involvement of family or others on whom the patient is dependent may be
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