The meaning of the word ‘research’ is to find correct answers to
questions raised or to find solutions to problems identified.
In the past and for many years,people based their beliefs on
presumptions or interpretations of things that they saw or observed in and
around them and then came to various conclusions. These conclusions were not
tested to find out whether they were correct (valid) or not.
For example, in ancient days, in Egypt, every year Nile river
flooded and it left behind very rich soil along the riverbanks which helped
people to grow crops for the year. But along with the rich soil, a large number
of frogs also appeared. Therefore, the Egyptian concluded that frogs came from muddy soil. Here we can
say that scientific research was not used because the people never gave a thought if there
can be any other reason for the large number of frogs living in the floods. Later
problems were scientifically analysed based on data this is called scientific
Every one will agree that if "Health is lost, everything is
lost". Nursing is a profession and practice which serves as the foundation
in providing care for the sick and needy. The challenges faced by the nursing
fraternity is enormous. Thus research becomes the need and necessity in this
noble profession.
Nursing is the profession and practice of providing care for the
sick and needy. Nurses play significant role in taking care of people. Nursing
plays an vital role in the research activity. A well developed and reliable
body of knowledge is a foundation for any course of study. Research provides a
solid foundation on which individual can develop and refine their basic
knowledge and practice. Without knowledge we cannot improve in accustoming
people to the latest techniques and therapies like infant care, pain
management, grief counseling, health education, home care management,
palliative care and related intervention.
Research on nursing practices began slowly, but since 1950, it has
been accelerating rapidly. Nursing research continues to develop at a rapid
phase and will undoubtedly flourish in the twenty-first century. Broadly
speaking, the priority for nursing research in the future will be the promotion
of excellence in nursing practices.
Nowadays Health professionals believe in development of knowledge
from logical reasoning and problem solving. It helps in identification of
problem and planning evidence based care.
Nurses must acquire knowledge in both unstructured and structured
method. In unstructured method, own experience,trial and error are followed.
The structured method includes logical reasoning, problem solving and the
research is conducted in a disciplined format. In general, nurses try to
understand a question / problem and search for possible solutions.
The quality of nursing practice and the future of health care
depends on up-to-date organized body of nursing knowledge. Research is based on
existing ideas and to improve the knowledge of the individuals. The purpose of
the systematic inquiry is to find out the evidence based method of solving the
problem identified.
The present era of complex health problems makes interdisciplinary
research, an important one to find out the study of health and illness
experiences of the society. Currently a lot of attention is being paid to
research on nursing, which it seems will continue in the years to come, and
will have its implications and impact on nurse administrators, nurse educators,
as well as practitioners.
Hence, an expanded new knowledge is required for a growing
profession. The health care professionals should realize that nursing is
developing rapidly and they must be ready to take challenges of currently
growing demand of new knowledge and to refine old outdated knowledge.
The word research is derived from the French term researcher, a
compound word composed of a prefix ‘re’ and a verb ‘search’. Re means ‘once
again’ ‘a new’, or ‘a fresh’ and search means ‘to look for something’.
It is an systematic inquiry of investigation to validate and
refine existing knowledge and to generate and refine existing knowledge and
generate new knowledge.
Research is a systematic inquiry that uses disciplined methods to
answer questions to solve problems.
Ultimate goal of research is to develop, refine and explore a body
of knowledge.
Research is a systematic and scientific process to solve problems
or to answer to questions about facts. Nursing research focuses primarily on
developing knowledge about nursing including the care of person in health and
In general, Nursing research is defined as the systematic
objective process of analysing phenomena of importance to nursing.
According to Waltz and Bausell (1981) Nursing
research is a systematic formal rigorous process used to gain solutions to
problem or to discover and interpret new facts in clinical practice, nursing
education and nursing administration.
Wilson (1980) Differentiated nursing research and research in
nursing. In that nursing research is concerned with clinical problem. Whereas
research in nursing is the broader study of the nursing profession which
includes historical, ethical and policy studies.
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