In vitro 5S RNA
What is required to reproduce in vitro the regulation of 5S RNA synthesis that is seen in vivo? A conservative approach in
attempting to answer this type of question is to begin as near to the
biological situation as possible and to work backward towards a system
containing only known and purified components, each performing a
well-understood function. During each of the steps in moving from the native
biological system to the completely defined simple system, one’s criterion of a
properly working system is that correct regulation be maintained.
A logical first step in reproducing the biological
regulation of Xenopus 5S RNA
synthesis is to try injecting DNA coding for 5S RNA into oocytes. Such
injections are of medium technical difficulty. Due to the large size of later
stage oocytes, they can be isolated free of ovarian tissue, injected,
incubated, and synthesis products from individual or pooled oocytes analyzed.
Gurdon and Brown found that microinjecting the nuclei of oocytes with either
DNA purified from frog erythrocytes or with pure plasmid DNA containing one or
more 5S genes yielded synthesis of 5S RNA. This synthesis could continue many
hours or even for days after the injection.
The next step toward a defined system also
determined whether the “living” oocyte possessed any mystical properties. That
is, could 5S RNA synthesis be achieved by an extract of nuclei purified from
oocytes, or were intact oocytes required? The experiments showed that nuclei
were capable of synthesizing the RNA. A major drawback to the experiments,
however, was the labor required to obtain the oocyte nuclei from the ovaries.
Not surprisingly, then, a simple cell extract of the entire oocyte was tried,
and found to be almost as effective in synthesizing 5S RNA as the nuclear
extracts. Generally chromatin, that is DNA plus associ-ated proteins and
histones, that is obtained by gently lysing cells and taking whatever sediments
with DNA, is a good template DNA.
Oocyte nuclear extracts using either DNA or
chromatin were active in synthesizing 5S RNA. When RNA polymerase III was tried
instead of the extracts, polymerase plus DNA was inactive, but polymerase with
chromatin as a template was active. These experiments demonstrate that at least
one factor, presumably a protein, in addition to DNA and RNA polymerase III, is
necessary for 5S RNA synthesis and that the factor is associated with
chromatin. The question then became one of determining how many factors were
required for synthesis of 5S RNA, how many of the factors were associated with
chromatin, and whether properties of these factors explained either the shutoff
of oocyte and somatic 5S RNA synthesis in the oocyte or the later resumption of
only somatic 5S RNA synthesis.
Extracts prepared from unfertilized eggs do not
support the synthesis of either type of 5S RNA from a pure DNA template. If
these extracts are supplemented with extracts prepared from oocytes that were
ac-tively synthesizing 5S RNA, they do synthesize 5S RNA. Thus the unfertilized
eggs provide an assay and the immature oocytes provide a source for one of the
required factors. Through this sort of approach three factors have been found
that stimulate synthesis of 5S RNA TFIIIA, TFIIIB, and TFIIIC. Other genes that
are transcribed by RNA polymerase III, like some tRNA genes, the gene encoding
the U6 RNA which is involved in splicing, and the adenovirus VA gene, utilize
TFIIIB and TFIIIC only. TFIIIA was the easiest to purify and study, and
therefore the most is known about it. This protein is monomeric and has a
molecular weight 37,000.
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