Question And Answer: Sewer Design
1. What
are the Demerits of chemical precipitation?
High cost of chemicals
Large quantity of sludge which offers
difficulty of its removal
Skilled attendance
Putrescible efficient
2. What
do you mean by chemical precipitation?
When certain chemicals
are added to, sewage they produce a precipitate known as flow which in
insoluble or slightly soluble in water. The flow attracts small particles to
form large size and thus size goes on increasing during the process of
What is do you mean by transitional setting zone?
Grit particles however,
generally lie between 0.1mm and 1 mm, and hence undergo settling which lies in
between streamline settling and turbulent settling. This settling zone is
called the transitional settling zone
are the users of Baffle?
Baffler are required to prevent the
movement of organic matter and its escape along with the efficient
Distribute the sewage uniformly through
the cross section of the tank.
It is used to avoid short circuiting
are the classifications of biological process?
Aerobic processes
Anaerobic processes
Aerobic -anaerobic processes
6.List out the aerobic processes?
Activated sludge processes
Trickling filters
Aerobic stabilization pond
Aerated lagoon
out the anaerobic process?
Anaerobic sludge digestion,
Anaerobic contact processes
Anaerobic filters
Anaerobic lagoons or ponds
are the sources of waste water?
Domestic waste water (i.e sewage)
Agricultural return waste water
Industrial waste water
are the methods involved in the treatment of waste water?
classified into
Conventional treatment methods
Advanced waste waster treatment
Conventional treatment methods
Preliminary processes
Primary treatment
Secondary treatment
waste water treatment
· Tertiary treatment
are the functions involved in the chemical unit processes
Chemical precipitation
Gas transfer
11.What do you understand by waste water treatment?
The waste water
treatment or sewage treatment is a broad term that applies to any
process/operation or combination of processes and operations that can reduce
the objectionable properties of water carried waste and render it less
dangerous with the following.
Removal of suspended and floatable
Treatment of biodegradable organics
Elimination of
patheogenic organisms
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