Importance of Vital Statistics
Vital Statistics are quantitative measurements on live births,
deaths, foetal deaths, infant deaths, fertility and so on.
Vital Statistics are essential for conducting demographic studies
on human community during specific time period.
Vital Statistics play an important role in the development of a
country especially in heath care.
They are of great use in planning and evaluation of socio-economic
and public health development of a country.
They help to identify factors relating to fluctuations in
mortality and fertility rates.
Maternal and infant mortality are important indications of
nation’s health, thereby influencing the government to develop policies,
funding of programs to maintain quality of health care. Timely documentation of
births and deaths is essential to maintain high quality indices.
They are also of great use for comparison of health indicators at
national and international levels.
They are useful in medical and demographical, actuarial studies
and research.
They are of great use to the government to assess the impact of
various family welfare programmes implemented in a country.
Vital Statistics reflect the changing pattern of the population of
any region, community or country in terms of vital events.
Vital Statistics help to compare two different regions or
communities or countries with respect to public health based on vital events.
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