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Chapter: Advanced Computer Architecture : Multiple Issue Processors

IA-64 Architecture

It is a RISC-style, register-register instruction set architecture. Designed to support compiler-based exploitation of ILP.



It is a RISC-style, register-register instruction set architecture. Designed to support compiler-based exploitation of ILP.




       128 64-Bit general purpose registers


       128 82-Bit floating-point register (provides 2 extra bits over std. 80-bit IEEE format)


       64 1-Bit predicate registers


       8 64-Bit branch registers, used for indirect branches


       Various registers used for system control, memory mapping, performance counters, etc.




0-31      →      Accessible Registers

       32-128        →      Used as a register stack

CFM     →      Set of registers to be used by a given procedure. (Current FraMe



       Integer register


       Floating point register


       Predicate register




A frame is created for a called procedure, by renaming the registers in hardware.


Ø Frame  has local area and output area parts.


Ø The “alloc” instruction specifies the size of these areas.


To handle the over flow of the register stack,  special h/w called the register stack engine

is used.




Ø Supports for both Explicit Parallelism and Implicit Parallelism


Ø Benefits of VLIW approach-implicit parallelism among operations in an instruction and fixed formatting of the operation fields.


Ø It can be achieved by relying on the compiler to detect ILP and schedule instructions into parallel instruction slots.







1) Implicit parallelism


Ø By placing instructions into instruction groups


2) Ease of Instruction decode


Ø By bundle


3) Predication


4) Speculation


5) Memory Reference


7. Instruction Group:


Ø It is a sequence of consecutive instructions with no register data dependences among them.


Ø If sufficient hardware resources existed and if any dependences through memory were preserved, then all the instructions in a group could be executed in parallel.


8. Bundles


Each bundle consists of a 5-bit template field and three instructions, each 41 bits in length. Template field specifies what types of execution units each instruction in the bundle requires.


9. Predication


Ø An instruction is predicated by a predicate register, whose identity is placed in the lower 6 bits of each instruction field.


Ø Predicate registers are the set using compare and test instructions


Ø It allows multiple comparisons to be done in one instruction.



10. Speculation:


Ø It supports for control speculation


Ø That is deals with deferring exception for speculated instruction, memory reference speculation and thus supports speculation of load instructions.


11. Memory reference


Ø It uses the concept of advanced loads


Ø Advanced load is a load that has been speculatively moved above store instructions on which it is potentially dependent


Ø The instruction ld.a is used for advanced load, which is to speculatively perform a load.


Ø Execution creates an entry called ALAT (Advanced Load Address Table).


Ø ALAT stores both the register destination of the load and the address of the accessed memory location.



Ø When a store is executed, an associative lookup against the active ALAT entries is performed.


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