Home Made Garments
Home-made garment, as the name indicates are the clothes stitched
by the family members for the family members or friends.
Home sewing remained an individual endeavour until 1863, when
Ebenezer Butterick, a tailor and shirt maker by trade, in collaboration with
his wife, Ellen, put on the market a set of shirt patterns. All garments were
sewn by hand until the development of the sewing machine, which was first
introduced in the early 1850.
Home-made garments are constructed efficiently at home as and when
required for the family members and also express their talents and interest of
the member who sews the garment. If the members in the family are interested
and talented in garment construction, they can very well produce garments in
the home.
Those who make their own clothing at home have several reasons
for doing so. The reasons will vary from family to family, based on the degree of importance
given to a particular reason. Home sewing may be done to stretch the family
budget although studies indicate that this factor is not as important as it
once was.
More economical in garment making especially for middle income and
low income families
Requires and increases special talent and involvement among
Need not depend on any one outside agent for their garments
It helps to create unique style among others
Even though it is time consuming, satisfaction could be achieved
in fit and comfort
Quality garments could be produced based on the availability of
the sewing machines and finishing machines
Motivate creativity among family members.
Express individual’s knowledge and skill in construction.
Enrichment of the knowledge experience is possible by multiple and
regular constructions.
Applications of CAD in home sewing simplify the procedure.
Use of old materials is possible.
Use of bits and unused materials, got while sewing other garments
can be combined to make new garments.
Time consuming when compared to tailor made and ready made
It needs special skill and talent to get good style and fit
Perfections may not be impossible when compared to readymade.
It needs adequate knowledge about material types and design
styles. Only then it could be managed.
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