HTML Frames:
Frames and Framesets
section discusses the tags for creating frames and frame sets. A frame is
region of a window that acts as a window itself. The main window can contain
multiple frames, so that different regions of the window display different
contents. A frame set is a set of frames.
FRAME - (window region)
tag creates a frame, which is an individual, independently scrollable region of
a web browser. You can think of it as a window within a window. The FRAME tag
must be used within a FRAMESET tag.
FRAMESET tag contains a set of FRAME tags, which each define a frame in the
main window.
frame has a distinct URL that determines the content displayed by the frame.
You can
specify whether or not a frame has a border, whether or not it has margins,
whether or not the user can resize it dynamically, and whether or not it is
tag is required.
BORDERCOLOR="color" specifies
the color of the frame's borders. Because frames share borders, Navigator must resolve any border color conflicts.
FRAMEBORDER determines whether or not the
frame has visible borders.
results in an outline-3D border.
· NO
suppresses the 3D border.
When the
FRAMEBORDER attribute appears in a FRAMESET tag, it sets a default FRAMEBORDER
value for all frames in the frameset. When the FRAMEBORDER attribute appears in
the FRAME tag, it applies only to that particular frame, overriding any
FRAMEBORDER attribute established by an outer FRAMESET tag. A border shared
between frames is plain only if all adjacent frames have the FRAMEBORDER
attribute set to NO.
When neither a FRAME nor a FRAMESET tag governing
that FRAME has set the FRAMEBORDER attribute, the default setting is YES.
MARGINHEIGHT="marginHeight" specifies
a margin, in pixels, between the top and bottom edges of the frame and the frame contents.
MARGINWIDTH="marginWidth" specifies
a margin, in pixels, between the left and right edges of the frame and the frame contents.
NAME="frameName" specifies
the name of the frame. The value of the NAME attribute must begin with an alphanumeric character.
NORESIZE specifies that users cannot
resize the frame. If a frame adjacent to an edge is not resizable, the entire edge is not resizable, and consequently
other frames adjacent to that edge are not resizable.
SCROLLING specifies whether scrollbars are
available on a frame:
specifies that scrollbars are always available.
· NO
specifies that scrollbars are never available.
specifies that the browser determines whether to display scroll bars based on
the size of the frame and its content. If you do not specify a value for
SCROLLING, the default value is AUTO.
SRC="URL" specifies
the URL for the document to be displayed in the frame. The URL cannot include an anchor name; for example
FRAME SRC="doc2.html#colors" is invalid. If you do not specify the
SRC attribute, the frame is displayed with no content
Used Within FRAMESET
Example See Framest example 1. Simple
Frameset with two frames.
FRAMESET - (set of frames)
FRAMESET tag defines a set of frames that appear in a web browser window. The
FRAMESET tag contains one or more FRAME tags that each describe a frame.
The only
place the FRAMESET tag can be used is in a frame definition document, which is
an HTML document that contains the FRAMESET and FRAME tags that describe the
framesets and frames that make up a Navigator window.
document that contains a FRAMESET tag cannot contain a BODY tag.
frameset can specify that its frames are laid out in rows or columns. If
youwant your frameset to have rows and columns, rather than just rows or
columns, you can use FRAMESET tags nested inside FRAMESET tags.
example, you could define a frameset that has two columns, where the first column
contains a frameset that has two rows and the second column contains a frameset
that has 4 rows. You can specify the border thickness for all frames in a
top-level frameset. You can also specify whether or not all frames in a set
display their border by default and what color the border uses. Individual
frames in the set can override the default to specify whether or not they
display their border, and what color their border uses.
You can
specify actions to occur when the window displaying the frameset gets or loses
focus, and you can specify actions to occur when the frameset is loaded or
When you
define a link, (using the <A HREF> tag) you can specify in which frame
the destination document is displayed, by giving the name of the frame as the
value of the link's TARGET attribute. It is possible to define a link to change
the content of multiple frames in one go by using the ONCLICK attribute of the
link. To do this, set the value of the link's ONCLICK attribute to JavaScript
code that changes the location (source) of one or more frames.
example, the file frameset.htm opens a web page that has three frames. If you
click a link in the left frame, both the other frames update. You can open the
file framtoc.htm and view its source to see the code for the links that update
multiple frames.
NOFRAMES tag is used inside a FRAMESET tag to provides alternative content for
browsers that cannot display frames.
You must
supply at least one of the COLS or ROWS attribues.
COLS="columnWidthList" specifies
a comma-separated list of values giving the width of each frame in the frameset. If one of the values is missing, the
browser sizes the corresponding frame to fit the space available.
browser may approximate some values to make the total width of the columns
equal to the width of the window.
The value
of each item in the columnWidthList can be one of the following:
· Width of
a frame in pixels.
· Width of
a frame as a percentage of its parent frame or window.
· An
asterisk (*), which means "as much space as possible," which is the
space left over after space has been allocated to all columns that specify
their width as pixel value or a percentage value . The total available
left-over space is divided equally between all columns that use an asterisk.
ROWS="rowHeightList" specifies
a comma-separated list of values giving the height of each frame in the frameset. If one of the values is missing, the
corresponding frame is sized to fit the space available. The browser may
approximate some values to make the total height of the rows equal to the height
of the window. Each item in rowHeightList can be one of the following:
· Height of
a frame in pixels.
· Height of
a frame as a percentage of the parent frame or window.
· An
asterisk (*) which means "as much space as possible," which is the
space left over after space has been allocated to all rows that specify their
height as pixel value or a percentage value . The total available left-over
space is divided equally between all rows that use an asterisk.
BORDER="pixWidth" specifies
the thickness of frame borders for all frames in an outermost frameset. A setting of 0 causes all
frames in the frameset to have no border between them. A setting of 3 causes a
border of 3 pixels. If no BORDER tag is present,the default is 5 pixels. The
BORDER tag can be used only on an outermost FRAMESET tag.
BORDERCOLOR="color" specifies
the color of a frame's borders. Because frame borders are shared, Navigator must resolve any border color conflicts.
1. Any
BORDERCOLOR attribute appearing in the outermost FRAMESET has the lowest
2. This
attribute is overridden by any attribute used in a nested FRAMESET tag.
3. Finally,
any BORDERCOLOR attribute in the current FRAME tag overrides all previous
FRAMESET tag settings. If there is a conflict for two colors of equal priority
both set on the same edge, the behavior is undefined.
FRAMEBORDER determines how frame borders are
results in an outline-3D border.
· NO
suppresses the 3D border.
When the
FRAMEBORDER attribute appears in the FRAMESET tag, it sets a default FRAMEBORDER
value for all frames in that frameset. When the FRAMEBORDER attribute appears
in a FRAME tag, it applies only to that particular frame, overriding any
FRAMEBORDER attribute specified by an outer FRAMESET tag. A border shared
between frames is plain only if all adjacent frames have the FRAMEBORDER
attribute set to NO. When neither a FRAME nor a FRAMESET tag governing that
FRAME has set the FRAMEBORDER attribute, the default setting is YES.
ONBLUR="JScode" specifies
JavaScript code to execute when the window containing the frameset loses focus.
ONFOCUS="JScode" specifies
JavaScript code to execute when the window containing the frameset gets focus.
ONLOAD="JScode" specifies
JavaScript code to execute when the frameset is loaded into the frame.
ONUNLOAD="JScode" specifies
JavaScript code to execute when the frameset is unloaded (exited).
Frameset Example 1. Simple Frameset With Two Frames
following example creates a set of two frames. The frameset is kept in a
document file, such as index.html, that contains no other information. When
users open this page in their web browser, the FRAMESET tag loads the
individual URLS referenced in the FRAME tags.
<TITLE>Simple Frame Set Example</TITLE></HEAD> <FRAMESET
COLS="20%,80%" BORDER=10>
SRC="simpltoc.htm" NAME="exampletoc">
SRC="forms.htm" NAME="examplecontent">
<NOFRAMES>You must use a browser that can display frames to see this
page. </NOFRAMES>
The two
frames appear as columns because COLS is specified within the FRAMESET tag. The
left frame uses 30% of the available space, and the right frame uses the
remaining 70% of the space. By default, the frames in this example have
scrollbars and are resizable, because no values are specified for the SCROLLING
and NORESIZE attributes.
Example 2: Nested Frames
following example creates a frameset that contains a nested frameset.
Theoutermost frameset has two columns. The second column contains a nested
frameset that has two rows.
Set Example</TITLE></HEAD> <FRAMESET COLS="20%,*">
must use a browser that can display frames to see this page.</NOFRAME>
SRC="frametoc.htm" NAME="noname"> <FRAMESET
SRC="frtoc1.htm" NAME="toptoc">
SRC="frstart.htm" NAME="outer"> </FRAMESET>
NOFRAMES - (alternative text for frames)
NOFRAMES tag specifies content that is displayed by browsers that do not know
how to display frames. Browsers that can display frames ignore all text in the
NOFRAMES tags unless a file called by a frame tag is missing or unreachable by
the browser.
Place the
NOFRAMES tag within the FRAMESET tag.
Used Within <FRAMESET>
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