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Chapter: Human Neuroanatomy(Fundamental and Clinical): Gross Anatomy of the Cerebellum

Grey matter of the cerebellum - Gross Anatomy of the Cerebellum

Most of the grey matter of the cerebellum is arranged as a thin layer covering the central core of white matter. This layer is the cerebellar cortex.

Grey matter of the cerebellum

        Most of the grey matter of the cerebellum is arranged as a thin layer covering the central core of white matter. This layer is thecerebellar cortex. The subdivisions of the cerebellar cortex correspond to the subdivisions of the cerebellum described above.

        Embedded within the central core of white matter there are masses of grey matter which constitute the cerebellar nuclei. These are as follows (Fig. 7.4).

1.              The dentate nucleus lies in the centre of each cerebellar hemisphere. Cross sections through the nucleus have a striking resemblance to those through the inferior olivary nucleus. Like the latter it is made up of a thin lamina of grey matter that is folded upon itself so that it resembles a crumpled purse. Both the nuclei have a hilum directed medially.

2.              The emboliform nucleus lies on the medial side of the dentate nucleus.

3.              The globose nucleus lies medial to the emboliform nucleus.

4.              The fastigial nucleus lies close to the middle line in the anterior part of the superior vermis.

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