Glossary -
v Civil
Service: Those branches of public service that are not legislative, judicial, or military and
in which employment is usually based on competitive examination. The entire
body of persons employed by the civil branches of a government.
v Appointment:
A non-elected government job.Most jurisdictions offer several
kinds of appointments.A noncompetitive appointment is government employment obtained
without competing with others, in the sense that is done without regard to civil
service registers.
v Civil
Service Reform: Civil service reform, which implies
developing the capacity of the civil service to fulfill its mandate, defined to
include issues of recruitment and promotion, pay, number of employees,
performance appraisal and related matters.
v Decentralization:
Decentralization is commonly regarded as a process through which powers,
functions, responsibilities and resources are transferred from central to local
governments and/or to other decentralized entities. In practical terms,
decentralization is a process of striking a balance between the claims of the
periphery and the demands of the centre.
v E-democracy: E-democracy is the utilization
of electronic communications
technologies, such as the Internet, to enhance democratic processes, including
elections, forums and other participatory means. It is a relatively new
political development, as well as the subject of much debate and activity
within government, civic-oriented groups and societies around the world.
v E-governance:
E-governance can be defined as the application of ICT tools in (1)
the interaction between government and citizens and businesses, and (2) in
internal government operations to simplify and improve democratic governance.
v Good
governance: Good governance entails sound public sector management (efficiency, effectiveness
and economy), accountability, exchange and free flow of information
(transparency), and a legal framework for development (justice, respect for
human rights and liberties) (World Bank).
v Human
Resources: Human resources is a term with which many organizations describe the combination of
traditionally administrative personnel functions with performance, Employee
Relations and resource planning. The field draws upon concepts developed in
Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Human resources has at least two related
interpretations depending on context. The original usage derives from political
economy and economics, where it was traditionally called labor, one of four
factors of production. The more common usage within corporations and businesses
refers to the individuals within the firm, and to the portion of the firm’s
organization that deals with hiring, firing, training, and other personnel
v Integrity: In public
administration, integrity refers to “honesty” or “trustworthiness” in the
discharge of official duties, serving as an antithesis to “corruption” or “the
abuse of office.” Integrity is a key element that completes the notion of
accountability and transparency. It can also be defined as incorruptibility, an
unimpaired condition or soundness and is synonymous to honesty.
v Public Administration:
Public Administration is centrally concerned with the organization of
government policies and programmes as well as the behavior of officials
(usually non-elected) formally responsible for their conduct.
v Transparency: Transparency refers
to unfettered access by the public to timely and reliable information
on decisions and performance in the public sector, as well as on governmental
political and economic activities, procedures and decisions
v Welfare State: Political system
based on the premise that the government has the responsibility for the
wellbeing of its citizens, by ensuring that a minimum standard of living is
within everyone’s reach. This commitment is translated into provision of
universal and free education, universal medical care, insurance against
disability, sickness, and unemployment, family allowances for income
supplement, and old age pensions.
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