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Chapter: Mechanical : Maintenance Engineering : Repair Methods For Basic Machine Elements

FMEA - Failure Modes and Effects Analysis

The main goal of the FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) is to prevent failures. Therefor it belongs to the important tools of the quality planning.

FMEA - Failure Modes and Effects Analysis


The main goal of the FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) is to prevent failures. Therefor it belongs to the important tools of the quality planning. It is assumed that the general meaning is known.


iQ-FMEA has been developed under various aspects:


the system has to meet the practical requirements according to the VDA series of publications


it has to support the structured process of FMEA sessions through algorithms, tables and methods the history of a FMEA is to be shown for every step of improvement


experiences (knowledge base) of previous FMEAs have to be able to enter in current FMEAs. Therefor certain parts of a FMEA are emphasized as standard. They are independent of the current product or process.


employees without a lot of knowledge about information processing have also be able to use the FMEA


FMEA header, that contains general information for the most common standard forms FMEA versions; each version describes a segment of the FMEA-development


system elements as units for analysis functions of a system element possible malfunctions of a function integrated knowledge base


extensive provisions for action management


The structure elements in detail


FMEA header


FMEA id and short description FMEA type


method of evaluation material




initial part/process or optimization analysis extensive text description


entire status of the FMEA




FMEA can have several versions.

One version describes the FMEA progress from the realisation of corrective actions to the recommendation of further actions. A new version closes the predecessor.


cost input after each session; time and money investments in persons; direct costs cost cumulation over all sessions of a version and over the whole period of a FMEA divers further management data on version level


System elements (SE)


any number of system elements in a version

assignment of a system element to a SE class. This makes it possible to define arbitrarily structured search criteria (knowledge base).


SEs can be ordered hierarchically in a parts list structure


Function and error tree


SEs within the SE hierarchy are in following relationship with each other: the function of the inferior SEs (rubberlip) builds a chain to the superior (sealing ring), the function tree


one FMEA may contain several function trees

the function tree can be set up top down or bottom up


errors on a lower level can automatically be taken as a failure cause on a higher level complete support of system FMEA (see form)

Failure analysis



failure analysis can be considered in isolation for each malfunction failure analysis can be made within the function tree


a failure can cause several consecutive failures

a failure can result from several reasons

you can assign the RPZ factor meaning to a failure sequence 

you can assign the RPZ factor occurrence probability and detectability to a failure cause B, E and A from a catalogue, which can be created by the user (VDA, DGQ etc.)


Adjustment actions


The complete feature set of iQ-Projekte is used differentiation in preventive actions (design engineer) and detecting actions (later quality assurance) information about responsible person, appointments, performance, estimation of planned improvements etc. appointment traceability, follow-up actions in case of missed deadlines etc.


FMEA form


form for complete FMEA

form for certain system elements




structure and identification of FMEAs and SEs, which appear similar in other constructions or processes (for example bore for fit, rotation and parallel translation)


search algorithms based on class systems

adoption of already described SEs, depending on RPZ-experiences




history of a FMEA about the version Pareto-diagram to a version over RPZ


graphic comparison of the RPZs over SEs and functions between two versions standard forms


Study Material, Lecturing Notes, Assignment, Reference, Wiki description explanation, brief detail
Mechanical : Maintenance Engineering : Repair Methods For Basic Machine Elements : FMEA - Failure Modes and Effects Analysis |

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