Exercise 6.1
1. What are the possible ways to write three digit number without repeating these
792, 729, 297, 279, 927
2. In
a hotel, you have to choose a tiffin and a drink. Here is the list.
List the possible combinations
1. Idly & Tea
2. Idly &
3. Idly & Milk
4. Poori & Tea
5. Poori &
6. Poori & Milk
7. Dosai & Tea
8. Dosai &
9. Dosai & Milk
10. Pongal &
11. Pongal &
12. Pongal &
3. Kavin
has four cards
9 7 4 6
a. List down all 3−digit numbers
possible with these cards (without repetition).
974, 947, 794, 749, 479, 497, 746, 764, 476, 467,
674, 647, 496, 469, 649, 694, 946, 964,
b. What is the largest 4−digit
odd number that can be made without repeating the numbers?
4. There
are 6 sprinters (an athlete who runs fast in short race). In how many different
ways 3 medals (Gold, silver and bronze) be allocated?
1) Gold, Silver, Bronze
2) Gold, Bronze, Silver
3) Silver, Gold, Bronze
4) Silver, Bronze, Gold
5) Bronze, Gold, Silver
6) Bronze, Silver, Gold
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