The exact causes of drug use, dependence, and addiction are not
known, but various factors are thought to contrib-ute to the development of
substance-related disorders (Jaffe & Anthony, 2005). Much of the research
on biologic and genetic factors has been done on alcohol abuse, but
psychologic, social, and environmental studies have exam-ined other drugs as
Children of alcoholic parents are at higher risk for devel-oping
alcoholism and drug dependence than are children of nonalcoholic parents. This
increased risk is partly the result of environmental factors, but evidence
points to the importance of genetic factors as well. Several studies of twins
have shown a higher rate of concordance (when one twin has it, the other twin
gets it) among identical than fraternal twins. Adoption studies have shown
higher rates of alcoholism in sons of biologic fathers with alcoholism than in
those of nonalcoholic biologic fathers. These stud-ies led theorists to
describe the genetic component of alco-holism as a genetic vulnerability that
is then influenced by various social and environmental factors (Jaffe &
Anthony, 2005). Schuckit (2009) found that about 50% of the varia-tion in
causes of alcoholism was the result of genetics, with the remainder caused by
environmental influences.
Neurochemical influences on substance use patterns have been
studied primarily in animal research (Jaffe & Anthony, 2005). The ingestion
of mood-altering sub-stances stimulates dopamine pathways in the limbic
sys-tem, which produces pleasant feelings or a “high” that is a reinforcing, or
positive, experience. Distribution of the substance throughout the brain alters
the balance of neu-rotransmitters that modulate pleasure, pain, and reward
responses. Researchers have proposed that some people have an internal alarm
that limits the amount of alcohol consumed to one or two drinks, so that they
feel a pleasant sensation but go no further. People without this internal
signaling mechanism experience the high initially but con-tinue to drink until
central nervous system depression is marked and they are intoxicated.
In addition to the genetic links to alcoholism, family dynamics are
thought to play a part. Children of alcoholics are four times as likely to
develop alcoholism (Schuckit, 2005) compared with the general population. Some
theo-rists believe that inconsistency in the parent’s behavior, poor role
modeling, and lack of nurturing pave the way for the child to adopt a similar
style of maladaptive coping, stormy relationships, and substance abuse. Others
hypoth-esize that even children who abhorred their family lives are likely to
abuse substances as adults because they lack adaptive coping skills and cannot
form successful relation-ships (NIAAA, 2007a).
Some people use alcohol as a coping mechanism or to relieve stress
and tension, increase feelings of power, and decrease psychologic pain. High
doses of alcohol, how-ever, actually increase muscle tension and nervousness
(Schuckit, 2005).
Cultural factors, social attitudes, peer behaviors, laws, cost, and
availability all influence initial and continued use of substances (Jaffe &
Anthony, 2005). In general, younger experimenters use substances that carry
less social disapproval such as alcohol and cannabis, whereas older people use
drugs such as cocaine and opioids that are more costly and rate higher
disapproval. Alcohol con-sumption increases in areas where availability
increases and decreases in areas where costs of alcohol are higher because of
increased taxation. Many people view the social use of cannabis, although
illegal, as not very harmful; some even advocate legalizing the use of
marijuana for social purposes. Urban areas where cocaine and opioids are
readily available also have high crime rates, high unem-ployment, and
substandard school systems that contribute to high rates of cocaine and opioid
use and low rates of recovery. Thus, environment and social customs can
influ-ence a person’s use of substances.
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