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Chapter: Mechanical : Finite Element Analysis : Dynamic Analysis Using Element Method

Equation of Motion

There is two types of equation of motion Longitudinal vibration of beam or axial vibration of a rod Transverse vibration of a beam



There is two types of equation of motion


Longitudinal vibration of beam or axial vibration of a rod

Transverse vibration of a beam


where NiNxi and Nyi are shape functions. This is an incompatible element! The stiffness matrix is still of the form


k =   BTEBdV ,

where B is the strain-displacement matrix, and E the stress- strain matrix.


Minding Plate Elements:


4-Node Quadrilateral

8-Node Quadrilateral

Three independent fields.

Deflection w(x,y) is linear for Q4, and quadratic for Q8.



Discrete Kirchhoff Element:


Triangular plate element (not available in ANSYS). Start with a 6-node riangular element,

Total DOF = 9  (DKT Element).


Incompatible w(x,y);  convergence is faster (w is cubic along each edge) and it is efficient.


Test Problem:



L/t = 10,   = 0.3

ANSYS 4-node quadrilateral plate element.

ANSYS Result for wc


Mesh           wc (  PL2/D)

2        2                           0.00593

4        4                           0.00598

8        8                           0.00574

16      16                         0.00565

          :                            :

Exact Solution                         0.00560


Question:Converges from “above”? Contradiction to what we learnt about the nature of the FEA solution?

Reason:  This is an incompatible element ( See comments on p. 177).



Shells and Shell Elements


Shells  Thin structures witch span over curved surfaces.





Sea shell, egg shell (the wonder of the nature); Containers, pipes, tanks; Car bodies;


Roofs, buildings (the Superdome), etc. Forces in shells:


Membrane forces + Bending Moments


(cf.  plates:  bending only)

Example: A Cylindrical Container.


Shell Theory:

Thin shell theory


Shell theories are the most complicated ones to formulate and analyze in mechanics (Russian’s contributions).


Engineering Craftsmanship Demand strong analytical skill


Shell Elements:

cf.: bar + simple beam element => general beam element.

DOF at each node:


Based on shell theori es;

Most general shell el ements (flat shell and plate elements are subsets);


Complicated in form ulation.


Test Cases:



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Mechanical : Finite Element Analysis : Dynamic Analysis Using Element Method : Equation of Motion |

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