can be defined by describing what entrepreneurs do. For example:
"Entrepreneurs use personal initiative, and engage in calculated
risk-taking, to create new business ventures by raising resources to apply
innovative new ideas that solve problems, meet challenges, or satisfy the needs
of a clearly defined market."
But as
the following definitions state, entrepreneurship is not restricted to business
and profit:
involves bringing about change to achieve some benefit. This benefit may be
financial but it also involves the satisfaction of knowing you have changed
something for the better.
is essentially the act of creation requiring the ability to recognize an
opportunity, shape a goal, and take advantage of a situation. Entrepreneurs
plan, persuade, raise resources, and give birth to new ventures."
The word
„Entrepreneur‟ has been taken from the French word. It means Between Takers.
is another name of Risk Taker.
entrepreneur is an individual who takes moderate risks and brings innovation.
is a person who organises/ manages the risks in his/her enterprise.
is a individual who takes risks and starts something new”
to J.B.say, “Entrepreneur is an Economic agent to unites all the means of
entrepreneur is an individual who takes moderate risks and brings innovation.
An entrepreneur is a person who has
possession of a new enterprise, venture or idea and assumes significant
accountability for the inherent risks and the outcome.
entrepreneur is "one who undertakes an enterprise, especially a
contractor, acting as intermediately between capital and labour."
facts about entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship:
E:xamine needs, wants, and problems
to see how they can improve the way needs and wants are met and problems overcome.
N: arrow the possible opportunities
to one specific "best" opportunity.
T:hink of innovative ideas and
narrow them to the "best" idea.
R:esearch the opportunity and idea
E:nlist the best sources of advice
and assistance that they can find.
P:lan their ventures and look for
possible problems that might arise.
R:ank the risks and the possible
E:valuate the risks and possible
rewards and make their decision to act or not to act.
N:ever hang on to an idea, no
matter how much they may love it, if research shows it won't work.
E:mploy the resources necessary for
the venture to succeed.
U:nderstand that they will have to
work long and hard to make their venture succeed.
R:ealize a sense of accomplishment
from their successful ventures and learn from their failures to help them achieve success in the
Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs
are different from each other, but successful entrepreneurs tend to share
certain characteristics. Not all of them have developed each of the following
to the same degree, but they tend to have developed most of them to some
degree. Here are some common characteristics of successful entrepreneurs.
tend to:
o Be passionate about achieving their goals
Have a spirit of adventure (in fact, the word
"adventure" is derived from the latin word meaning "to
o Have a strong need to achieve and seek
personal accomplishment
o Be self-confident and self-reliant
o Be goal-oriented
o Be innovative, creative, and versatile
o Be persistent
o Be hardworking and energetic
o Have a positive attitude
o Be willing to take initiative
o Have a strong sense of commitment
An eye for opportunity: Many
entrepreneurs start by finding a need and quickly satisfying it. Independence: Even though most
entrepreneurs know how to work within the framework for the sake of profits, they enjoy being their own boss.
An appetite for hard work: Most
entrepreneurs start out working long, hard hours with little pay.
Self-confidence: Entrepreneurs
must demonstrate extreme self-confidence in order to cope with all the risks of operating their own
Discipline: Successful
entrepreneurs resist the temptation to do what is unimportant or the easiest but have the ability to think through
to what is the most essential.
Judgment: Successful
entrepreneurs have the ability to think quickly and make a wise decision. Ability to accept change: Change
occurs frequently when you own your own business, the entrepreneur thrives on changes and their businesses grow.
Make stress work for them: On the
roller coaster to business success the entrepreneur often copes by focusing on the end result and not the process of getting
Need to achieve: Although
they keep an "eye" on profits, this is often secondary to the drive toward personal success.
Focus on profits: Successful
entrepreneurs always have the profit margin in sight and know that their business success is measured by
profits. Is this your profile or would you rather do your job,
pick up
your paycheck and leave the headaches to someone else? Most of us, quite
easily, choose the later.
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