Care of the Patient
Recovery from general or regional anesthesia is a time of great
physiological stress. Emergence from general anesthesia should ideally be
characterized by a smooth and gradual awakening in a controlled environment.
However, problems such as airway obstruction, shivering, agitation, delirium,
pain, nausea and vomiting, hypothermia, and autonomic lability are frequently
encountered. Patients receiv-ing spinal or epidural anesthesia may experience
decreases in blood pressure during transport or recovery; the sympatholytic
effects of major con-duction blocks prevent compensatory reflex
vaso-constriction when patients are moved or when they sit up.
Following an inhalational-based anesthetic, the speed of emergence is directly
proportional to alveolar ventilation, but inversely proportional to the agent’s
blood solubility . As the duration of anesthesia increases, emergence also
becomes increasingly dependent on total tissue uptake, which is a function of
agent solubility, the average concentration used, and the duration of exposure
to the anesthetic. Hypoventilation delays emergence from inhalational
Emergence from an intravenous anesthetic isfunction
of its pharmacokinetics. Recovery from most intravenous anesthetic agents is
dependent primarily on redistribution rather than metabolism and elimination.
As the total administered dose increases, however, cumulative effects become
clini-cally apparent in the form of prolonged emergence; the termination of
action becomes increasingly dependent on the metabolism or elimination. This is
the basis for the concept of a context-sensitive half-time. Advanced age or
renal or hepatic disease can prolong emergence. Short and ultrashort-acting
anesthetic agents, such as propofol and remifentanil, significantly shorten
emergence, time to awakening, and dis-charge. Some studies show that the use of
a Bispec-tral Index Scale (BIS) monitor
may reduce total drug dosage and shorten recovery and time to discharge.
LMA (rather than an endotra-cheal tube) use may also allow lighter levels of
anes-thesia that could speed emergence.
The speed of emergence can also be influenced
by preoperative medications. Premedication with agents that outlast the
procedure (eg, lorazepam) may be expected to prolong emergence. The short
duration of action of midazolam makes it a suitable premedication agent for
short procedures. The effects of preoperative sleep deprivation or drug
ingestion (alcohol, sedatives) can also be additive to those of anesthetic
agents and can prolong emergence.
The most frequent cause of delayed emergence
(when the patient fails to regain consciousness 30–60 min after general
anesthesia) is residual anes-thetic, sedative, and analgesic drug effect.
Delayed emergence may occur as a result of absolute or relative drug overdose
or potentiation of anesthetic agents by prior drug or alcohol ingestion.
Naloxone (in 80 mcg increments in adults) and flumazenil (in 0.2 mg increments
in adults) will readily reverse the effects of an opioid and benzodiazepine,
respectively. Physostigmine (1–2 mg) may partially reverse the effect of other
agents. A nerve stimulator can be used to exclude persisting neuromuscular
blockade in poorly responsive patients on a mechanical ventila-tor who have
inadequate spontaneous tidal volumes.
Less common causes of delayed emergence
include hypothermia, marked metabolic distur-bances, and perioperative stroke.
A core tempera-ture of less than 33°C has an anesthetic effect and greatly
potentiates the actions of central nervous system depressants. Forced-air
warming devices are most effective in raising body temperature. Hypox-emia and
hypercarbia are readily excluded by pulse oximetry, capnography, and/or blood
gas analysis. Hypercalcemia, hypermagnesemia, hyponatremia, and hypoglycemia
and hyperglycemia are rare causes of delayed emergence that require laboratory
measurements for diagnosis. Perioperative stroke is rare, except after
neurological, cardiac, and cerebro-vascular surgery ; diagnosis is facili-tated
by neurological evaluation and radiological imaging.
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