Labetalol (Normodyne, Trandate) possesses both α- blocking and β-blocking activity and is
approximately one-third as potent as propranolol as a β-blocker and one-tenth
as potent as phentolamine as an β-blocker. The ratio of - to -activity is about
3:1 when labetalol is administered orally and about 7: 1 when it is
adminis-tered intravenously. Thus the drug can be most conve-niently thought of
as a β-blocker with some α-blocking properties.
Labetalol produces equilibrium-competitive antagonism at β--receptors but does not exhibit selectivity
for β1- or β2-receptors. Like certain
other β-blockers (e.g., pin-dolol and timolol), labetalol possesses some degree
of intrinsic activity. This intrinsic activity, or partial ago-nism, especially
at β2-receptors in the vasculature,
has been suggested to contribute to the vasodilator effect of the drug. The
membrane-stabilizing effect, or local anesthetic action, of propranolol and
several other - blockers, is also possessed by labetalol, and in fact the drug
is a reasonably potent local anesthetic.
The α-blockade produced by
labetalol is also of the equilibrium-competitive type. In a manner similar to
prazosin, labetalol exhibits selectivity for α1-receptors. Presynaptic α -receptors, which are of the
2 subclass, are not antagonized by labetalol. The drug also has some
in-trinsic activity at α -receptors, although this action is less than its intrinsic β--receptor–stimulating effects.
Labetalol appears to produce
relaxation of vascular smooth muscle not only by α-blockade but also by a
partial agonist effect at β2-receptors. In addition, la-betalol may produce vascular relaxation
by a direct non–receptor-mediated effect.
Labetalol can block the
neuronal uptake of norepi-nephrine and other catecholamines. This action, plus its
slight intrinsic activity at α -receptors, may account for the seemingly paradoxical, although
infrequent, increase in blood pressure seen on its initial administration.
Labetalol is almost
completely absorbed from the gas-trointestinal tract. However, it is subject to
considerable first-pass metabolism, which occurs in both the gas-trointestinal
tract and the liver, so that only about 25% of an administered dose reaches the
systemic circula-tion. While traces of unchanged labetalol are recovered in the
urine, most of the drug is metabolized to inactive glucuronide conjugates. The
plasma half-life of labetalol is 6 to 8 hours, and the elimination kinetics are
essen-tially unchanged in patients with impaired renal failure.
Although capable of
antagonizing a variety of re-sponses in a number of effectors that are mediated
by both β- and α -receptors, the most
important actions of labetalol are on
the cardiovascular system. These effects
vary from individual to individual and depend on the sympathetic and
parasympathetic tone at the time of drug administration.
The most common hemodynamic
effect of acutely administered labetalol in humans is a decrease in pe-ripheral vascular resistance and blood pressure without
an appreciable alteration in heart rate or cardiac output.
This pattern differs from
that seen following adminis-tration with either a conventional β - or α-blocker. Acute
administration of a β-blocker produces a de-crease in heart rate and cardiac output with
little effect on blood pressure, while acute administration of an α- blocker leads to a decrease
in peripheral vascular re-sistance and a reflexively initiated increase in
cardiac rate and output. Thus, the pattern of cardiovascular re-sponses
observed after labetalol administration com-bines the features of β- and α-blockade, that is, a de-crease in
peripheral vascular resistance (due to α-blockade and direct vascular effects)
without an in-crease in cardiac rate and output (due to β-blockade).
Prolonged oral therapy with
labetalol results in car-diovascular responses similar to those obtained
follow-ing conventional β-blocker administration, that is, de-creases in
peripheral vascular resistance, blood pressure, and heart rate. Generally,
however, the de-crease in heart rate is less pronounced than after
ad-ministration of propranolol or other β-blockers.
Labetalol is useful for the
chronic treatment of primary hypertension. It can be used alone but is more
often em-ployed in combination with other antihypertensive agents. Labetalol
also has been used intravenously for the treatment of hypertensive emergencies.
Like con-ventional β-blockers, labetalol may be useful for pa-tients with
coexisting hypertension and anginal pain due to ischemia. It is also being
investigated as a possi-ble therapeutic modality for ischemic heart disease,
even in the absence of hypertension. The benefit derives from its β-blocking activity,
which decreases cardiac work, and from its ability to decrease afterload by
virtue of its α-blocking activity.
Labetalol, because it
possesses both α- and β-block-ing activity, is useful for the preoperative management of
patients with a pheochromocytoma.
There have been reports of
excessive hypotension and paradoxical pressor effects following intravenous
ad-ministration of labetalol. These latter effects may be due to a labetalol-induced
blockade of neuronal amine uptake, which increases the concentrations of
norepi-nephrine in the vicinity of its receptors.
Approximately 5% of the
patients who receive la-betalol complain of side effects typical of
noradrenergic nervous system suppression. These include postural hy-potension,
gastrointestinal distress, tiredness, sexual dysfunction, and tingling of the
scalp. Most of these ef-fects are related to α -blockade, although the tingling of the scalp
may be due to the drug’s intrinsic activity at α - receptors. Side effects associated with β-blockade, such as induction
of bronchospasm and congestive heart fail-ure, may also occur, but generally at
a lower frequency than α-receptor–associated effects.
Skin rashes have been
reported, as has an increase in the titer of antinuclear antibodies. Despite
the latter observation, the appearance of a systemic lupus syn-drome is rare.
Labetalol also has been reported to in-terfere with chemical measurements of catecholamines
and metabolites.
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