Different Methods of
domestic waste water disposal include (Systems of Sanitation)
Sometimes the system is
also called as dry system. This is out of date system but is prevailing in small
towns and villages. Various types of refuse and storm water are collected
conveyed and disposed of separately. Garbage is collected in dustbins placed
along the roads from where it is conveyed by trucks ones or twice a day to the
point of disposal. all the non combustible portion of garbage such as sand dust
clay etc are used for filling the low level areas to reclaim land for the
future development of the town. The combustible portion of the garbage is
burnt. The decaying matters are dried and disposed of by burning or the
manufacture of manure.
Human excreta are
collected separately in conservancy latrines. The liquid and semi liquid wastes
are collected separately after removal of night soil it is taken outside the
town in trucks and buried in trenches. After 2-3 years the buried night soil is
converted into excellent manure. In conservancy system sullage and storm water
are carried separately in closed drains to the po int of disposal where they
are allowed to mix with river water without treatment.
With development and
advancement of the cities urgent need was felt to replace conservancy system
with some more improved type of system in which human agency should not be used
for the collection and conveyance of sewage .After large number of experiments
it was found that the water is the only cheapest substance which can be easily
used for the collection and conveyance of sewage. As in this system water is
the main substance therefore it is called as WATER CARRIAGE SYSTEM.
In this system the
excremental matter is mixed up in large quantity of water their ars taken out
from the city through properly designed sewerage systems, where they are
disposed of after necessary treatment in a satisfactory manner.
The sewages so formed
in water carriage system consist of 99.9% of water and .1% solids .All these
solids remain in suspension and do not changes the specific gravity of water
therefore all the hydraulic formulae can be directly used in the design of
sewerage system and treatment plants.
Very cheap in initial cost.
Due to foul smells from the latrines, they are to be
constructed away from living room so building cannot be constructed as compact
The aesthetic appearance of the city cannot be
For burial of excremental matter large area is
Excreta is not removed immediately hence its decomposition
starts before removal,
This system is fully depended on human agency .In
case of strike by the sweepers; there is danger of insanitary conditions in
It involves high initial cost.
As there is no foul smell latrines remain clean and
neat and hence are constructed with rooms, therefore buildings may be compact.
Good aesthetic appearance of city can be obtained.
Less area is required as compared to conservancy
Excreta are removed immediately with water, no
problem of foul smell or hygienic trouble.
no human agency is involved in this system ,there is no such problem as in case
of conservancy system
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