Determination of Pulse Rate
To measure human pulse rate.
Pulse is the result of contraction and relaxation of arteries. Pulse rate is the number of pulses per minute. Pulse rate rEffects the heart beat. An adult human's heart beats at an average of 72 times a minute. This can increase or decrease depending on the physical activity, emotional state or health factors.
Wrist watch, notebook and a pen or a pencil.
1. Use the rst two ngers on the right side of your left wrist to feel for pulse. Pulse can also be measured by placing the rst two ngers on one side of the neck under the lower jaw.
2. Count the number of pulses in one minute. Record your answer.
3. Repeat this measurement 3 times and calculate the average.
4. Run around outside for a minute, then return and repeat steps number 2 and 3. Record the pulse rate.
Figure 6.7: Pulse can be taken at the neck.
Figure 6.8: Pulse can also be measured at the wrist.
There should be an increase in the pulse rate after exercise.
When counting the pulse rate, there should be no distractions on the stu-dents.
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