Definitions of Culture
The concept
of culture and its relationship to the health care beliefs and practices of
patients and their families and friends provide the foundation for
transcultural nursing. This awareness of culture in the delivery of nursing
care has been described in different ways, including respect for cultural
diversity, culturally sensitive or comprehensive care, and culturally competent
or appropriate nursing care (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 1996;
Giger & Davidhizar, 1999; Spector, 2000), or culturally congruent nursing
care (Leininger, 2001). Two commonly discussed concepts are cultural diversity
and culturally competent care.
The term
culture was initially defined by the British anthropologist Sir Edward Tylor in
1871 as the knowledge, belief, art,morals, laws, customs, and any other
capabilities and habits acquired by humans as members of society. During the
past century, and especially during recent decades, hundreds of definitions of
culture have been offered that integrate the themes stated by Tylor and the
themes of ethnic variations of a population based on race,nationality,
religion, language, physical characteristics, and geography (Spector, 2000). To
fully appreciate the impact of culture,aspects such as disabilities, gender,
social class, physical appearance (eg, weight, height), ideologies (political
views), or sexual orientation must be integrated into the definition of culture
as well (Gooden, Porter, Gonzalez, & Mims, 2001). Madeleine Leininger,
founder of the specialty called transcultural nursing, indicates that culture
involves learned and tranmitted knowledge about values, beliefs, rules of
behavior, and lifestyle practices that guide designated groups in their
thinking and actions in patterned ways (2001). Giger and Davidhizar(1999) state
that transcultural nursing is a practice based on the differences and
similarities between cultures in relation to health, health care, and illness,
with consideration of patient values, beliefs, and practices. Further, culture
develops over time as a result of “imprinting the mind through social and
religious structures and intellectual and artistic manifestations”.
The concept
of ethnic culture has four basic characteristics:
• It is
learned from birth through language and socialization.
• It is
shared by members of the same cultural group, and it includes an internal sense
and external perception of distinctiveness.
• It is
influenced by specific conditions related to environmental and technical
factors and to the availability of resources.
• It is dynamic
and ever-changing.
With the
exception of the first characteristic, culture related to age, physical
appearance, lifestyle, and other less frequently acknowledged aspects also
adhere to the above characteristics.
diversity has also been defined in a number of ways. Often, skin color,
religion, and geographic area are the only elements used to identify diversity,
with ethnic minorities being considered the primary sources of cultural
diversity. As stated earlier, however, there are several other possible sources
of cultural diversity. In addition, to truly acknowledge the cultural differ-
ences that may influence health care delivery, the nurse must recognize the
influence of his or her own culture and cultural heritage (Krumberger, 2000).
Culturally competent nursing care has been defined as effective,individualized
care that considers cultural values, is culturally aware and sensitive, and
incorporates cultural skills (Hunt, 2000;Krumberger, 2000; Wilkinson, 2001).
Culturally competent care is a dynamic process that requires comprehensive
knowledge of culture-specific information and an awareness of, and sensitivity
to, the effect that culture has on the care situation. It requires the nurse to
integrate cultural knowledge, awareness of his or her own cultural perspective,
and the patient’s cultural perspectives into the plan of care (Giger &
Davidhizar, 1999). Exploring one’s own cultural beliefs and how they might
conflict with the beliefs of the patients being cared for is a first step toward
becoming culturally competent (Krumberger, 2000). Understanding the diversity
within cultures, such as subcultures, is also important.
culture is a universal phenomenon, it takes on specific and distinctive
features for a particular group, since it encompasses all of the knowledge,
beliefs, customs, and skills acquired by the members of that group. When such
groups function within a larger cultural group, they are referred to as
subcultures.The term subculture is used for relatively large groups of people
who share characteristics that enable them to be identified as a distinct
entity. Examples of American subcultures based on ethnicity (ie, subcultures
with common traits such as physical characteristics,language, or ancestry)
include African Americans, Hispanic/Latino Americans, and Native Americans.
Each of these subcultures may be further divided; for example, Native Americans
consist of American Indians and Alaska Natives, who represent more than 500
federally and state-recognized tribes in addition to an unknown number of
tribes that receive no official recognition.
may also be based on religion (more than 1200 exist in the United States),
occupation (eg, nurses, physicians, other members of the health care team), or
shared disability or illness (eg, the Deaf community). In addition, subcultures
may be based on age (eg, infants, children, adolescents, adults, older adults),
gender (eg, male, female); sexual orientation (eg, homosexual or bisexual men
and women), or geographic location (eg, Texans,Southerners, Appalachians).The
nurse should also be sensitive to the intraracial applications of cultural
competence. Tensions between subcultures within a designated group could add to
the complexity of planning culturally competent care. Some members of one
ethnic subculture may be offended or angered if mistaken for members of a
different subculture. Similarly, if the attributes of one subculture are
mistakenly generalized to a patient belonging to a different subculture,
extreme offense could result, as well as inappropriate care planning and
implementation (Fields, 2000). It is crucial that nurses refrain from
culturally stereotyping a patient in an attempt to be culturally competent.
Instead, the patient or significant others should be consulted regarding
personal values, beliefs, preferences and cultural identification. This
strategy is also applicable for members of nonethnic subcultures.
The term
minority refers to a group of people whose physical or cultural characteristics
differ from the majority of people in a society. At times, minorities may be
singled out or isolated from others in society or treated in different or
unequal ways. Although there are four federally identified minority
groups—Blacks/African Americans, Hispanics, Asian/Pacific Islanders, and Native
Ameri-cans (Andrews & Boyle, 1999)—the concept of “minority” varies widely
and must be understood in a cultural context. For example, men may be
considered a minority within the nursing profession, but they constitute a
majority within the field of medicine. In ad-dition, Caucasians may be in the
minority in some communities in the United States, but they are currently the
majority group in the country (although it has been projected that by the middle
to late 21st century, Caucasians will be in the minority in the United States).
Because at times the term minority connotes inferiority, members of many racial
and ethnic groups object to being identi-fied as minorities.
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