Datalog Implementation by BDD's
1 Binary Decision Diagrams
2 Transformations on BDD's
3 Representing Relations by BDD's
4 A Relational Operations as BDD Operations
5 Using BDD's for Points-to Analysis
6 Exercises for Section 12.7
Binary Decision Diagrams (BDD's) are a method for representing boolean func-tions by graphs.
Since there are 2 2 " boolean functions of n variables,
no repre-sentation method is going to be very succinct on all boolean
functions. However, the boolean functions that appear in practice tend to have
a lot of regularity. It is thus common that one can find a succinct BDD for
functions that one really wants to represent.
It turns out that the boolean functions that are described by the
Datalog programs that we have developed to analyze programs are no exception.
While succinct BDD's representing information about a program often must be
found using heuristics and/or techniques used in commercial BDD-manipulating
pack-ages, the BDD approach has been quite successful in practice. In
particular, it outperforms methods based on conventional database-management
systems, because the latter are designed for the more irregular data patterns
that appear in typical commercial data.
It is beyond the scope of this book to cover all of the BDD
technology that has been developed over the years. We shall here introduce you
to the BDD notation. We then suggest how one represents relational data as
BDD's and how one could manipulate BDD's to reflect the operations that are
performed to execute Datalog programs by algorithms such as Algorithm 12.18.
Finally, we describe how to represent the exponentially many contexts in BDD's,
the key to the success of the use of BDD's in context-sensitive analysis.
1. Binary Decision Diagrams
A BDD represents a boolean function by a rooted DAG. The interior
nodes of the DAG are each labeled by one of the variables of the represented
function. At the bottom are two leaves, one labeled 0 the other labeled 1. Each
interior node has two edges to children; these edges are called "low"
and "high." The low edge is associated with the case that the
variable at the node has value 0, and the high edge is associated with the case
where the variable has value 1.
Given a truth
assignment for the variables, we can start at the root, and at each node, say a
node labeled x, follow the low or high edge, depending on whether the truth
value for x is 0 or 1, respectively. If we arrive at the leaf labeled 1, then
the represented function is true for this truth assignment; otherwise it is false.
Example 12 . 27: In
Fig. 12.31 we see a BDD. We shall see the function it represents shortly.
Notice that we have labeled all the "low" edges with 0 and
all the "high" edges by 1. Consider the truth assignment
for variables wxyz that sets w = x = y = 0 and z = 1.
Starting at the root, since w — 0 we take the low edge, which gets us to
the leftmost of the nodes labeled x. Since x = 0, we again follow
the low edge from this node, which takes us to the leftmost of the nodes labeled
y. Since y = 0 we next move to the leftmost of the nodes labeled z.
Now, since z = 1, we take the high edge and wind up at the leaf labeled
1. Our conclusion is that the function is true for this truth assignment.
Now, consider the truth assignment wxyz = 0101, that is, w
= y = 0 and x = z = 1. We again start at the root. Since w =
0 we again move to the leftmost of the nodes labeled x. But now,
since x = 1, we follow the high edge, which jumps to the 0 leaf. That
is, we know not only that truth assignment 0101 makes the function false, but
since we never even looked at y or z, any truth assignment of the
form Qlyz will also make the function have value 0. This
"short-circuiting" ability is one of the reasons BDD's tend to be
succinct representations of boolean functions. •
In Fig. 12.31 the
interior nodes are in ranks — each rank having nodes with a particular variable
as label. Although it is not an absolute requirement, it is convenient to
restrict ourselves to ordered BDD's. In an ordered BDD, there is an
order x1,xi,... ,xn to the variables, and whenever there is an edge from a
parent node labeled Xi to a child labeled Xj, then i < j. We shall see that
it is easier to operate on ordered BDD's, and from here we assume all BDD's are
Notice also that BDD's are DAG's, not trees. Not only will the
leaves 0 and 1 typically have many parents, but interior nodes also may have
several parents. For example, the rightmost of the nodes labeled z in
Fig. 12.31 has two parents. This combination of nodes that would result in the
same decision is another reason that BDD's tend to be succinct.
Transformations on BDD's
We alluded, in the discussion above, to two simplifications on
BDD's that help make them more succinct:
If a node N has both its
high and low edges go to the same node M, then we may eliminate N.
Edges entering N go to M instead.
Node-Merging: If two nodes N and M have low edges
that go to the same node and also have high edges that go to the same
node, then we may merge N with M. Edges entering either N
or M go to the merged node.
It is also possible to run these transformations in the opposite
direction. In particular, we can introduce a node along an edge from N
to M. Both edges from the introduced node go to M, and the edge from
TV" now goes to the introduced node. Note, however, that the variable
assigned to the new node must be one of those that lies between the variables
of N and M in the order. Figure 12.32 shows the two
transformations schematically.
3. Representing Relations by BDD's
The relations with which we have been dealing have components that
are taken frorn "domains." A domain for a component of a relation is
the set of possible values that tuples can have in that component. For example,
the relation pts(V, H) has the domain of all program variables for its
first component and the domain of all object-creating statements for the
second component. If a domain has more than 2 n _ 1 possible
values but no more than 2 n values, then it requires n bits or boolean
variables to represent values in that domain.
A tuple in a relation may thus be viewed as a truth assignment to
the variables that represent values in the domains for each of the components
of the tuple. We may see a relation as a boolean function that returns the
value true for all and only those truth assignments that represent tuples in
the relation. An example should make these ideas clear.
Example 1 2 . 2 8 :
Consider a relation r(A, B) such that the domains of both A and B are {a, b, c,
d}. We shall encode a by bits 00, b by 01, c by 10, and d by 11. Let the tuples
of relation r be:
Let us use boolean variables wx to encode the first (A) component
and variables yz to encode the second (B) component. Then the
relation r becomes:
That is, the relation r has been converted into the boolean
function that is true for the three
truth-assignments wxyz = 0001, 0010, and 1110. Notice that these three
sequences of bits are exactly those that label the paths from the root to the
leaf 1 in Fig. 12.31. That is, the BDD in that figure represents this relation
r, if the encoding described above is used. •
4. Relational
Operations as BDD Operations
Now we see how to represent
relations as BDD's. But to implement an algorithm like Algorithm 12.18
(incremental evaluation of Datalog programs), we need to manipulate BDD's in a
way that reflects how the relations themselves are manipulated. Here are the principal
operations on relations that we need to perform:
1. Initialization: We
need to create a BDD that represents a single tuple of a relation.
We'll assemble these into BDD's that represent large relations by taking the union.
2. Union: To take the union of relations, we take the logical OR of the
boolean functions that represent the relations. This operation is needed not
only to construct initial relations, but also to combine the results of several
rules for the same head predicate, and to accumulate new facts into the set of
old facts, as in the incremental Algorithm 12.18.
Projection: When we evaluate a rule body, we need to construct the head relation
that is implied by the true tuples of the body. In terms of the BDD that represents the relation, we need to
eliminate the nodes that are labeled by those boolean variables that do not
represent components of the head. We may also need to rename the variables in
the BDD to correspond to the boolean variables for the components of the head
4. Join: To find the assignments of values to
variables that make a rule body true, we need to "join" the relations
corresponding to each of the subgoals. For example, suppose we have two
subgoals r(A,B) k s(B, C).
The join of the relations for these subgoals is the
set of (a, 6, c) triples such that (a, 6) is a tuple in the relation for r, and
(6, c) is a tuple in the relation for s. We shall see that, after renaming
boolean variables in BDD's so the components for the two B's agree in variable
names, the operation on BDD's is similar to the logical AND, which in turn is
similar to the OR operation on BDD's that implements the union.
' s for Single Tuples
To initialize a relation, we need to have a way to
construct a BDD for the function that is true for a single truth assignment.
Suppose the boolean variables are Xi,x2, • • • ,xn, and the truth assignment is
a1a2 • • • an, where each ai is either 0
or 1. The BDD will have one node Ni for each Xi. If = 0, then the high edge
from Ni leads to the leaf 0, and the low edge leads to Ni+1, or to the leaf 1
if i = n. If a» = 1, then we do the same, but the high and low edges are
This strategy gives
us a BDD that checks whether each Xi has the correct value, for i
= 1,2, ... , n. As soon as we find an incorrect value, we jump directly to
the 0 leaf. We only wind up at the 1 leaf if all variables have their correct
As an example, look ahead to Fig. 12.33(b). This
BDD represents the function that is true if and only if x = y = 0, i.e.,
the truth assignment 00.
We shall give in detail an algorithm for taking the
logical OR of BDD's, that is, the union of the relations represented by the
Algorithm 1 2 . 2 9 : Union of BDD's.
INPUT : Two ordered BDD's with the same set of
variables, in the same order.
OUTPUT : A BDD representing the function that is the
logical OR of the two boolean functions represented by the input BDD's.
M E T H O D : We shall describe a recursive procedure for combining two BDD's.
The induction is on the size of the set of variables appearing in the
BASIS: Zero variables. The BDD's must both be leaves, labeled either 0 or
1. The output is the leaf labeled 1 if either input is 1, or the leaf
labeled 0 if both are 0.
I N D U C T I O N : Suppose there are k variables, yi,y2,...
,yu found among the two BDD's. Do the following:
If necessary, use inverse
short-circuiting to add a new root so that both BDD's have a root labeled y1.
Let the two roots be N and M;
let their low children be Ao and Mo, and let their high children be N1
and M1. Recursively apply this algorithm to the BDD's rooted at Ao and M
0 . Also, recursively apply this
algorithm to the BDD's rooted at N1 and
M x . The first of these BDD's
represents the function that is true for all truth assignments that have y1 — 0
and that make one or both of the given BDD's true. The second represents the
same for the truth assignments with y1 = 1.
Create a new root node labeled y\.
Its low child is the root of the first recursively constructed BDD, and its
high child is the root of the second BDD.
Merge the two leaves labeled 0 and the
two leaves labeled 1 in the com-bined BDD just constructed.
Apply merging and short-circuiting
where possible to simplify the BDD.
Example 1 2 . 3 0 :
In Fig. 12.33(a) and (b) are two simple BDD's. The first represents the
function x OR y, and the second represents the function
Notice that their
logical OR is the function 1 that is always true. To apply Algorithm 12.29 to
these two BDD's, we consider the low children of the two roots and the high
children of the two roots; let us take up the latter first.
The high child of the
root in Fig. 12.33(a) is 1, and in Fig. 12.33(b) it is 0. Since these children
are both at the leaf level, we do not have to insert nodes labeled y
along each edge, although the result would be the same had we chosen to do so.
The basis case for the union of 0 and 1 is to produce a leaf labeled 1 that
will become the high child of the new root.
The low children of
the roots in Fig. 12.33(a) and (b) are both labeled y, so we can compute their
union BDD recursively. These two nodes
have low children labeled 0 and 1, so
the combination of their low children is the leaf labeled 1. Likewise, their high children are 1 and 0,
so the combination is again the leaf 1.
When we add a new root labeled x, we have the BDD seen in Fig. 12.33(c).
We are not done,
since Fig. 12.33(c) can be simplified. The node labeled y has both
children the node 1, so we can delete the node y and have the leaf 1 be
the low child of the root. Now, both children of the root are the leaf 1, so we
can eliminate the root. That is, the simplest BDD for the union is the leaf 1,
all by itself. •
5. Using BDD's for Points-to Analysis
Getting context-insensitive points-to analysis to work is already
nontrivial. The ordering of the BDD variables can greatly change the size of
the representation. Many considerations, as well as trial and error, are needed
to come up with an ordering that allows the analysis to complete quickly.
It is even harder to get context-sensitive points-to analysis to
execute be-cause of the exponentially many contexts in the program. In
particular, if we arbitrarily assign numbers to represent contexts in a call
graph, we cannot han-dle even small Java programs. It is important that the
contexts be numbered so that the binary encoding of the points-to analysis can
be made very com-pact. Two contexts of the same method with similar call paths
share a lot of commonalities, so it is desirable to number the n
contexts of a method consecu-tively. Similarly, because pairs of caller-callees
for the same call site share many similarities, we wish to number the contexts
such that the numeric difference between each caller-callee pair of a call site
is always a constant.
Even with a clever numbering scheme for the calling contexts, it
is still hard to analyze large Java programs efficiently. Active machine
learning has been found useful in deriving a variable ordering efficient enough
to handle large applications.
6. Exercises for
Section 12.7
Exercise 1 2 . 7 . 1
: Using the encoding of symbols in Example 12.28, develop
a BDD that represents
the relation consisting of the tuples
(6, b), (c, a), and
(6, a). You may order the boolean variables in whatever way
gives you the most succinct BDD.
! Exercise 1 2 . 7 . 2 : As a function of n, how many nodes are there in the most succinct
BDD that represents the exclusive-or function on n variables. That is, the
function is true if an odd number of the n variables are true and false
if an even number are true.
Exercise 1 2 . 7 . 3 : Modify Algorithm 12.29 so it produces the
intersection (logical AND) of two BDD's.
Exercise 12 . 7 . 4: Find algorithms to perform the following
relational opera-tions on the ordered BDD's that represent them:
a) Project out some of the boolean variables. That is, the
function repre-sented should be true for a given truth assignment a if there
was any truth assignment for the missing variables that, together with a made
the original function true.
b) Join two relations r and s, by combining a tuple from r with
one from s whenever these tuples agree on the attributes that r and s have in
common. It is really sufficient to consider the case where the relations have
only two components, and one from each relation matches; that is, the relations
are r(A,B) and s(B, C).
Summary of
Chapter 12
Analysis: A data-flow analysis that tracks information across
procedure boundaries is said to be interprocedural. Many analyses, such as
points-to analysis, can only be done in a meaningful way if they are
• Call Sites: Programs call procedures at certain points referred to as call sites.
The procedure called at a site may be obvious, or it may be am-biguous, should
the call be indirect through a pointer or a call of a virtual method that has
several implementations.
• Call Graphs: A call graph for a program is a bipartite graph with nodes for
call sites and nodes for procedures. An edge goes from a call-site node to a
procedure node if that procedure may be called at the site.
• Inlining: As long as there is no recursion in a program, we can in principle
replace all procedure calls by copies of their code, and use
intraprocedural analysis on the resulting program. This analysis is in effect,
• Flow Sensitivity and
Context-Sensitivity: A data-flow analysis that produces facts that depend on
location in the program is said to be flowsensitive. If the analysis produces
facts that depend on the history of procedure calls is said to be
context-sensitive. A data-flow analysis can be either flow- or
context-sensitive, both, or neither.
+ Cloning-Based
Context-Sensitive Analysis: In principle, once we establish the different contexts in which a procedure can be called, we can
imagine that there is a clone of each procedure for each context. In that way,
a context-insensitive analysis serves as a context-sensitive analysis.
4- Summary-Based
Context-Sensitive Analysis: Another approach to inter-procedural analysis
extends the region-based analysis technique that was described for
intraprocedural analysis. Each procedure has a transfer function and is treated
as a region at each place where that procedure is called.
+ Applications of Interprocedural
Analysis: An important application re-quiring
interprocedural analysis is the detection of software vulnerabili-ties. These
are often characterized by having data read from an untrusted input source by
one procedure and used in an exploitable way by another procedure.
Datalog: The language Datalog is a simple notation for if-then rules that
can be used to describe data-flow analyses at a high level. Collections of
Datalog rules, or Datalog programs, can be evaluated using one of several standard
Datalog Rules: A Datalog rule consists of a body (antecedent) and head (consequent).
The body is one or more atoms, and the head is an atom. Atoms are predicates
applied to arguments that are variables or constants.
The atoms of the body
are connected by logical AND, and an atom in the body may be negated.
+ IDB and EDB
Predicates: EDB predicates in a Datalog program have their true facts given
a-priori. In a data-flow analysis, these predicates correspond to the facts
that can be obtained from the code being analyzed. IDB predicates are defined
by the rules themselves and correspond in a data-flow analysis to the
information we are trying to extract from the code being analyzed.
+ Evaluation of Datalog
programs: We apply rules by substituting constants for variables that make the
body true. Whenever we do so, we infer that the head, with the same
substitution for variables, is also true. This operation is repeated, until no
more facts can be inferred.
+ Incremental
Evaluation of Datalog Programs: An efficiency improvement is obtained by doing incremental evaluation. We perform a series
of rounds. In one round, we consider only substitutions of constants for
variables that make at least one atom of the body be a fact that was just
discovered on the previous round.
+ Java Pointer
Analysis: We can model pointer analysis in Java by a
frame-work in which there are reference variables that point to heap objects,
which may have fields that point to other heap objects. An insensitive pointer
analysis can be written as a Datalog program that infers two kinds of facts: a
variable can point to a heap object, or a field of a heap object can point to
another heap object.
+ Type Information to
Improve Pointer Analysis: We can get more precise pointer
analysis if we take advantage of the fact that reference variables can only
point to heap objects that are of the same type as the variable or a subtype.
• Interprocedural
Pointer Analysis: To make the analysis interprocedural,
we must add rules that reflect how parameters are passed and return values
assigned to variables. These rules are essentially the same as the rules for
copying one reference variable to another.
Call-Graph Discovery: Since Java has virtual methods, interprocedural analysis
requires that we first limit what procedures can be called at a given call
site. The principal way to discover limits on what can be called where is to
analyze the types of objects and take advantage of the fact that the actual
method referred to by a virtual method call must belong to an appropriate
Analysis: When procedures are recursive, we must con-dense
the information contained in call strings into a finite number of contexts. An
effective way to do so is to drop from the call string any call site where a
procedure calls another procedure (perhaps itself) with which it is mutually
recursive. Using this representation, we can modify the rules for
intraprocedural pointer analysis so the context is carried along in predicates;
this approach simulates cloning-based analysis.
Binary Decision Diagrams: BDD's are a succinct
representation of boolean functions by rooted DAG's. The interior nodes
correspond to boolean variables and have two children, low (representing truth
value 0) and high (representing 1). There are two leaves labeled 0 and 1. A
truth assignment makes the represented function true if and only if the path
from the root in which we go to the low child if the variable at a node is 0
and to the high child otherwise, leads to the 1 leaf.
BDD's and Relations: A BDD can serve as a
succinct representation of one of the predicates in a Datalog program.
Constants are encoded as truth assignments to a collection of boolean
variables, and the function represented by the BDD is true if an only if the
boolean variables represent a true fact for that predicate.
Implementing Data-Flow Analysis by BDD's: Any
data-flow analysis that can be expressed as Datalog rules can be implemented by
manipulations on the BDD's that represent the predicates involved in those
rules. Often, this representation leads to a more efficient implementation of
the data-flow analysis than any other known approach.
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