Computerised Accounting System (CAS)
Computerised accounting system refers to the system of maintaining
accounts using computers. It involves the processing of accounting transactions
through the use of hardware and software in order to keep and produce
accounting records and reports. Computerised accounting system takes accounting
transactions as inputs that are processed through accounting software to
generate the following reports:
Day books
and loss account
sheet, etc.
In accounting, computer is commonly used in the following areas:
of business transactions
accounting and
d. Generation of accounting reports
It is to be noted that the fundamentals of accounting do not change whether books of accounts are maintained manually or computerised. The same principles of debit and credit are equally applicable in a computerised environment.
Computerised Accounting System (CAS) facilitates the management and
other users to maintain accounts and prepare financial statements using
computers. The reports generated through CAS are used to analyse financial
status of a business and take necessary decisions to strengthen the financial
soundness of the business. The CAS possesses the following features:
CAS is designed to automate and integrate all the business operations
such as purchase, sales, finance, inventory and manufacturing. The CAS may be
integrated with enhanced Management Information System (MIS), multi-lingual and
data organisation capabilities to simplify all the business processes of the
organisation easily and cost-effectively.
It can perform functions at much
higher speed than doing the same manually.
Computers perform functions with high degree of accuracy. If hardware,
software and input by people are proper, the computerised accounting system can
assure of accurate outcome.
Computers are used to process large volumes of data and hence, data
provided by it are reliable.
Computer and accounting software have the ability to perform diverse
tasks. For example, by simply recording accounting entries through accounting
software, one can get trial balance, trading account, profit and loss account,
balance sheet and diverse reports.
With computerised accounting, the organisation will have greater
transparency of day-to-day business operations and access to the vital
CAS enables processing of any volume of data in tune with the change in
the size of the business.
CAS offers online facility to store and process transaction and data so
as to retrieve information to generate and view financial reports in any part
of the world.
In CAS, only the authorised users are permitted to have access to
accounting data. Under manual accounting system, it is very difficult to secure
such information as it is open to inspection by any person dealing with the
books of accounts.
Components of CAS can be classified into six categories, namely, i)
Hardware ii) Software iii) People iv) Procedure v) Data and vi) Connectivity.
The physical components of a computer constitute its hardware. Hardware
consists of input devices and output devices that make a complete computer
system. Examples of input devices are keyboard, optical scanner, mouse, joystick,
touch screen and slylus which are used to feed data into the computer. Output
devices such as monitor and printer are media to get the output from the
A set of programs that form an interface between the hardware and the
user of a computer system are referred to as software. The following are the
various types of software:
a. System software: A set of programs to control the internal operations
such as reading data from input devices, giving results to output devices and
ensuring proper functioning of components is called system software. The system
software includes the following:
Operating system: A set of tools and programs to
manage the overall working of a computer using a defined set of hardware
components is called an operating system. It is the interface between the user
and the computer system. Example: DOS, Windows, UBUNTU, imac, etc.
Programming software: Special software to accept
data and interpret them in the form of machine/assembly language understandable
by a computer. Example: C, PASCAL, COBOL, etc.
Utility software: These are designed specifically
for managing the computer device
and its resources. Example: File manager, Anti-virus software, etc.
b. Application software: Programs designed to perform a specific function for a user. An application software can be classified as follows:
General purpose software: This type of application
can be used for a variety of tasks and
not limited to one particular function. Example: MS-Office.
Specific purpose software: This software is created
to execute one specific task and they
are customised to the needs of user. Example: Accounting software, payroll
software, etc.
The most important element of a computer system is its users. They are
also called live-ware of the computer system. The following types of people
interact with a computer system.
System analysts: People who design the operation
and processing of the system.
System programmers: People who write codes and
programs to implement the working of the system.
operators: People who operate the system and use it for different purposes.
They are also called as end users.
Procedure is a step by step series of instructions to perform a specific
function and achieve desired output. In a computer system there are three types
of procedures.
Hardware oriented procedure: It defines the working
of a hardware component.
Software oriented procedure: It is a set of
detailed instructions for using the software.
Internal procedure: It maintains the overall
working of each part of a computer system by directing the flow of information.
The facts and figures that are fed into a computer for further
processing are called data. Data are raw input until the computer system
interprets them using machine language, stores them in memory, classifies them
for processing and produces results in conformance with the instructions given
to it. Processed and useful data are called information which is used for
decision making.
When two or more computers are connected to each other, they can share information and resources such as sharing of files (data/music, etc), sharing of printer, sharing of facilities like the internet. This sharing is possible using wires, cables, satellite, infra-red, bluetooth, microwave transmission, etc.
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