The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), Institute of
Education Sciences (IES), and the Bureau of Justice jointly publish an annual
report about school crime and safety. The most recent data published are for
the 2005–2006 academic year. Fourteen homicides and three suicides occurred at
school in children aged 5 to 18, or 1 death per 3.2 million students. There
were 1.5 million nonfatal crimes among children 12 to 18 years old, includ-ing
theft and violent crimes. Eighty-six percent of all schools reported one or
more serious violent incidents, theft, or other crimes on school property, or a
rate of 46 crimes per 1000 students. Among high school (grades 9 through 12)
students, 14% reported fighting on school property, 13% carried a weapon to
school, 4% consumed alcohol at school, and 5% used marijuana on school
prop-erty (NCES, 2008).
In an effort to combat violence at school, the CDC has been working
with schools to develop curricula that emphasize problem-solving skills, anger
management, and social skills development. In addition, parenting programs that
promote strong bonding between parents and chil-dren and conflict management in
the home, as well as mentoring programs for young people, show promise in
dealing with school-related violence. A few people respon-sible for such
violence have been diagnosed with a psychi-atric disorder, often conduct
disorder. Often, however, this violence seems to occur when alienation,
disregard for others, and little regard for self predominate.
Bullying is another problem experienced at school, including verbal
aggression, physical acts from shoving to breaking bones, targeting a student
to be shunned or ignored by others, and cyberbullying involving unwanted
emails, text messages, or pictures posted on the Internet (McGuinness, 2007).
Nearly one third of U.S. students report they experience bullying, either as a
target or as a perpetrator. More than 16% said they’d been bullied
occa-sionally, whereas 8% reported being bullied at least once a week. The
frequency of bullying was highest among sixth through eighth graders. Children
who were bullied reported more loneliness and difficulty making friends, and
those who bullied were more likely to have poorgrades and to use alcohol and
tobacco. Children with spe-cial physical health-care needs are bullied more
often, and children with a chronic emotional, behavioral, or develop-mental
problem are more likely to be both a bully and a victim of bullying (Van Cleave
& Davis, 2006).
Hazing, or initiation rites, is prevalent in both high school and
college. Forty-eight percent of high school stu-dents reported belonging to
groups that involved hazing activities. Forty-three percent reported being
subjected to humiliating activities, and 30% reported hazing that involved
illegal activities. Seventy-one percent of the stu-dents subjected to hazing
reported negative consequences such as fighting; being injured; hurting other
people; doing poorly in school; difficulty eating, sleeping, or concentrat-ing;
and experiencing feelings of anger, confusion, embar-rassment, or guilt
(Lipkins, 2006).
Exposure to community violence tremendously affects children and
young adults. When children witness vio-lence, they experience stress-related
symptoms that increase with the amount of violence they see. In addition,
witnessing violence can lead to future problems with aggression, depression,
relationships, achievement, and abuse of drugs and alcohol. Addressing the
problem of vio-lence exposure may help to alleviate the cycle of dysfunc-tion
and further violence.
On a larger scale, violence such as the terrorist attacks in New
York, Washington, and Pennsylvania in 2001 also has far-reaching effects on
citizens. In the immediate aftermath, children were afraid to go to school or
have their parents leave them for any reason. Adults had diffi-culty going to
work, leaving their homes, using public transportation, and flying. One year
later, 1 in 10 New York area residents suffered lingering stress and
depres-sion as a result of September 11, and an additional 532,240 cases of
PTSD had been reported in the New York City metropolitan area alone. In
addition, people reported higher relapse rates of depression and anxiety
disorders. There was no increase of PTSD nationwide as a result of individuals
watching the attacks and associ-ated coverage on television, however, which had
been an initial concern. Three years later, in 2004, the prevalence of PTSD was
12.6% among Manhattan residents living near the World Trade Center. Risk
factors for PTSD among these residents included being injured, witnessing
horrific events, being exposed to dust cloud, and assist-ing with evacuation,
rescue, and recovery work in the aftermath (DiGrande et al., 2008).
Early intervention and treatment are key to dealing with victims of
violence. After several instances of school or workplace shootings, counseling,
referrals, and ongoing treatment were instituted immediately to help those
involved deal with the horror of their experiences. Since the 2001 terrorist
attacks, teams of physicians, therapists, and other health professionals (many
associated with uni-versities and medical centers) have been working with
survivors, families, and others affected. Despite such efforts, many people
will continue to experience long-term difficulties, as described in the next
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