Common Object Request Broker
Architecture (CORBA)
a middeware design that allows application programs to communicate with one
another irrespective of their programming languages, their hardware and
software platforms, the networks they communicate over and their implementors.
are built from CORBA objects, which
implement interfaces defined in
interface definition language, IDL. Clients access the methods in the IDL
interfaces of
objects by means of RMI. The middleware component that supports RMI is called
the Object Request Broker or ORB.
(Object Management Group) was formed in 1989 with a view to encouraging the
adoption of distributed object systems in order to gain the benefits of
for software development and to make use of distributed systems, which were
becoming widespread. To achieve its aims, the OMG advocated the use of open
systems based on standard object-oriented interfaces. These systems would be
built from heterogeneous hardware, computer networks, operating systems and
programming languages.
important motivation was to allow distributed objects to be implemented in any
programming language and to be able to communicate with one another. They
therefore designed an interface language that was independent of any specific
implementation language.
introduced a metaphor, the object request
broker(or ORB), whose role is to help a client to invoke a method on an
object. This role involves locating the object, activating the object if
necessary and then communicating the client’s request to the object, which
carries it out and replies.
In 1991,
a specification for an object request broker architecture known as CORBA
(Common Object Request Broker Architecture) was agreed by a group of companies.
This was followed in 1996 by the CORBA 2.0 specification, which defined
standards enabling implementations made by different developers to communicate
with one another. These standards are called the General Inter-ORB protocol or GIOP.
It is intended that GIOP can be implemented over any transport layer with
connections. The implementation of GIOP for the Internet uses the TCP protocol
and is called the Internet Inter-ORB Protocol or IIOP [OMG 2004a]. CORBA 3
first appeared in late 1999 and a component model has been added recently.
The main
components of CORBA’s language-independent RMI framework are the following:
interface definition language known as IDL,
defines an external data representation, called CDR. It also defines specific
formats for the messages in a request-reply protocol. In addition to request
and reply messages, it specifies messages for enquiring about the location of
an object, for cancelling requests and for reporting errors.
an implementation of GIOP defines a standard form for remote object references,
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