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Chapter: Distributed Systems : Process & Resource Management


Programming in a multi-language RMI system such as CORBA RMI requires more of the programmer than programming in a single-language RMI system such as Java RMI.



Programming in a multi-language RMI system such as CORBA RMI requires more of the programmer than programming in a single-language RMI system such as Java RMI.


The following new concepts need to be learned:


the object model offered by CORBA;


the interface definition language and its mapping onto the implementation language.


CORBA's object model


The CORBA object model is similar to the one described in , but clients are not necessarily objects – a client can be any program that sends request messages to remote objects and receives replies. The term CORBA object is used to refer to remote objects. Thus, a CORBA object implements an IDL interface, has a remote object reference and is able to respond to invocations of methods in its IDL interface. A CORBA object can be implemented by a language that is not objectoriented, for example without the concept of class. Since implementation languages will have different notions of class or even none at all, the class concept does not exist in CORBA. Therefore classes cannot be defined in CORBA IDL, which means that instances of classes cannot be passed as arguments.

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