Cognitive Psychology: Basic Theory and Clinical Implications
A number of factors, including the development of
complex learning theories, discussions regarding language development, use of
computers as a metaphor for human information process-ing and practical
applications needed during World War II, all contributed to the cognitive
revolution in psychological research during the 1950s and 1960s. Cognitive
psychology is now one of the major areas of psychological inquiry alongside
experimental, developmental, social and personality, and clinical psychologies.
The major synthesis of cognitive psychology with
clinical practice has been forged by cognitive–behavior therapists. There are,
however, other major applications and implications of cogni-tive psychology
regarding attention, memory and higher order cognitive processes such as
problem solving, schema construc-tion and modification, and automatic
The purposeful allocation of one’s finite mental
resources is a process known as attention (Ashcraft, 1994). Attentional
pro-cesses have profound implications regarding adaptive function-ing, inasmuch
as it falls to the attentional system to identify and select the most salient
pieces of information in need of processing at each moment. Inefficient or
erratic allocation of attention may engender maladaptive behavioral responses.
Furthermore, it has been noted that a subset of cognitive processes appears to
occur in the absence of attentional focus; such processes are often re-ferred
to as automatic (Posner and Snyder, 1975). Dysregulations of the attentional system
appear to play a central role in several clinical disorders, such as
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Major Depressive Disorder (MDD),
Attention-Deficit/Hyper-activity Disorder (ADHD) and Borderline Personality
Disorder (BPD). Consequently, efficacious cognitive–behavioral interven-tions
for these disorders have accorded considerable attention to the development of
strategies designed to facilitate more efficient and adaptive functioning of
the attentional system.
Human memory is the central, essential ingredient
in an in-formation-processing system. Human cognition supports operations more
diverse by far than those of a computer, ranging from complex mathematical and
spatial reasoning, to artistic and literary endeav-ors, to athletic prowess and
interpersonal awareness. During the past century, empirical research has led to
an increasingly refined under-standing of the interlocking mechanisms of human
memory. This understanding has now been applied to the domain of clinical
assess-ment and psychopathology. Researchers have documented the role of memory
deficits and biases in several mental disorders, including (but not limited to)
depression and PTSD. The results of these inves-tigations have suggested that
memory, just as it plays an essential role in adaptive human functioning, may
also play a central role in mal-adaptive, pathological functioning. The
cognitive perspectives on psychopathology place an emphasis on the role of
schematic mem-ory bias in its contribution to various forms of psychiatric disorder,
and corresponding psychotherapy techniques have been developed to address bias
in memory (Beck, 1976; Beck et al.,
Problem solving is the complex mental process of
using previously learned information to identify solutions to new prob-lems.
Although specific empirical links between basic research and clinical practice
have been sparse, the conceptual connections have provided several clinical
procedures that are identifiable within self-control, cognitive–behavioral and
interpersonal psychotherapies.
Cognitive psychologists studying memory developed
the con-cept of schema, which can be understood as templates used to make sense
of and draw conclusions about new sensory affective, of cog-nitive information.
The schema construct was formulated to explain how memory is organized and why
it produces the inaccuracies and incompleteness often observed in human recall.
The incorporation and abstraction of new experiences into relevant schemata
serve to influence the interpretation of future experience and thereby the
en-coding and recollection of new memories. Schemata, therefore, affect all
levels of human cognitive processing and may well be the most significant
regarding a theoretical model contribution to date in cog-nitive psychology.
The development and modification of schemata are central to Beck and others’
models of cognitive–behavioral con-ceptualizations of psychopathology and
therapeutic change.
Finally, material is frequently processed
automatically while conscious processing occurs on a parallel cognitive track.
This raises intriguing questions regarding the similarities and differences in
various conceptualizations of the unconscious. Answers to questions raised
about automatic processes may well be the most significant future contributions
cognitive psychology and neuroscience integration can offer clinical practice.
Piaget’s work in the mid-20th century helped
delineate the subsequent areas of inquiry about human psychological functioning
and adaptation, and to some extent it has influenced the mainstream of
cognitive psychology; however, his greatest legacy is clearly his seminal
contributions to the study of human development and developmental psychology,
of which cognitive development is only a portion. The focus of Piaget’s theory was
also considered cognitive when set in apposition to Freud’s fo-cus on emotion
in his theory of psychosexual development.
Although the information-processing paradigm is
still dominant in cognitive psychology, two new paradigms became influential
during the last 10 to 15 years of the last century. The more established one is
called connectionism (McClelland et al., 1986). This approach addresses
an inherent limitation of the traditional computer metaphor of the mind – the
fact that the brain’s infor-mation processing operations differ dramatically
from those of serial symbol-processing computers, inasmuch as the former oc-cur
within a distributed architecture of parallel interconnected elemental (neural)
arrays. In other words, the connectionist ap-proach attempts to gain insights
into human information process-ing by attending closely to the manner in which
the brain’s own neurons process information. Accordingly, this approach uses
neural network computational modeling techniques (simulations) as useful
theoretical tools in the specification of the actual neural mechanisms and
processes that underlie human cognition.
An even newer cognitive paradigm is the so-called
eco-logical approach, although it is not yet as well established or as
conceptually coherent as are the information-processing and connectionist
paradigms. The ecological approach emphasizes that cognition does not occur in
isolation from larger environ-mental (e.g., cultural) contexts, and argues that
it is essential to study cognition in the natural context in which it occurs.
In the following sections, we review the general
findings regarding attention, memory and higher order cognitive pro-cesses and
give examples of their application to various areas of psychopathology and
treatment interventions. Figure 16.1 pro-vides an overall schematic of the
interactions of the cognitive processes that are discussed.
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