A code of conduct is a set of rules outlining the social norms
and rules and responsibilities of, or proper practices for, an individual,
party or organization. Related concepts include ethical, honor, moral codes and
religious laws
Objectives of Code of Conduct
Ø To
ensures that the employers and employees recognize each other‘s rights and
Ø To avoid
work stoppage.
Ø To
facilitate the free growth of trade unions.
Ø To
maintain discipline in industry.
Principles of code of conduct.
Ø Every
employee in industry or unit shall have the freedom and right to join a union
of his choice. No coercion shall be exercised in this matter.
Ø There
shall be no dual membership of unions.
Ø There
shall be regular and democratic elections of executive bodies.
Ø Casteism,
communalism and provincialism shall be eschewed by all unions.
Ø There
shall be no violence, cocercion, intimidation, or personal vilification in
inter – union dealings.
Ø All
Central unions shall combat the formation or continuance of company unions.
What a Code Can Help to
Ø A quality
code of conduct can go a long way in improving a company‘s success. Companies
that view a code merely as a way to communicate legal rules miss much of the
value that a code can provide. A well-developed code can help a company to:
Ø Prevent
legal and regulatory violations. This is the first objective that most
companies attach to a code of conduct. When violations do occur, a code can
help to detect them and mitigate their effects.
Ø Foster
greater employee loyalty and retention. When employees feel included and
engaged in the company‘s culture and success, they feel more committed.
Ø Encourage
greater customer loyalty and retention. When customers learn about and then
experience in practice a company‘s high standards of conduct, customers are
more likely to show their appreciation.
Ø Build
stronger relationships with suppliers and other business partners. As with
employees, the more that they understand what the company expects of them – and
what they can expect from the company – the stronger the alliance.
Ø Strengthen
trust and respect of other stakeholders, such as local communities, regulators,
NGOs, even from competitors. As codes become publicly available publications,
more outside stakeholders are reviewing them and setting their expectations of
the company partly based on its code. The more that a company
lives up
to the expectations that it has established, the greater goodwill it engenders.
Ø Build a
stronger reputation for integrity by helping the company to do what it says it
will do.
How a Code Works
Ø A quality
code of conduct helps a company‘s leadership to accomplish its strident
objectives because of how the code functions. As part of an overall code of
conduct program, a code works because it:
Ø Articulates leadership’s expectations. Simply
establishing these expectations regarding
what leadership expects is worthwhile. It provides clarity and transparency so
that staff does not have to guess at leadership‘s expectations.
Ø Establishes leadership’s commitment. Much as
been addressed regarding the importance
of ―tone at the top‖; regarding expectations of responsible conduct, this tone
rises in importance.
Ø Provides staff with a roadmap and tools for their
daily work. With clarity
regarding leadership‘s expectations that an employee can easily and regularly
reference, staff can act with consistency. Further, employees can turn to the
code for guidance on questions or concerns. It is especially important to help
employees to make good decisions when they face ambiguous situations or other
issues that the code does not directly address.
Ø Provides staff with comfort and confidence. As ethics
consultant Frank Navran puts it, a
code can provide staff with comfort that the company will support them when
they act according to the code and confidence that the decisions they make when
they are in line with the code.
Ø Encourages staff to serve the company’s
aspirations. A good code can
encourage employees to strive to achieve the company‘s mission, vision and
values in a constructive way.
Elements of an Effective Code
Ø A code of
conduct publication does not work in a vacuum. Important factors for a
successful code include:
Ø Foundations
that support a successful code program.
Ø Components
of a successful code program.
Ø Dimensions
for an effective code publication.
Foundations for a Program
Ø These
foundations serve as important considerations for a successful code of conduct
program. While not all of the foundations are mandatory – and in fact they will
exist in each company in varying forms – the more firmly that they are
established, the more likely that the code (and the larger ethics and
compliance initiative) will lead to success.
Ø Leadership commitment to the program – Without
senior leadership‘s commitment, any
code initiative is unlikely to truly engage employees and demonstrate to them
the ―tone at the top‖ that is so critical to any business initiative –
especially one focused on ‗doing the right thing.‘
Ø Ethics and compliance processes –
Leadership‘s commitment means so much more
when the organization can point to procedures and processes that support a code
standards and expectations. Otherwise, employees are right to wonder about how
leadership expects to achieve adherence to the company‘s standards and address
Ø Company culture – A company culture focused around an enduring mission or vision and supported by lasting values
sets the best foundation for a proper focus on long-term value and success.
These core foundations help a code rise about a narrow focus only on the law to
other commitments, promises and aspirations that the company seeks to achieve.
Ø Understanding of risk – A
company‘s awareness of the ethics and compliance risks that it faces is central to a code of conduct. With the
hundreds of issues that a code could possibly address, a more targeted risk
identification and assessment effort helps to focus the code‘s contents to
those issues that are most important to the company‘s operations and that will
provide it with a higher chance of success.
Ø Coordination with policies – A
company‘s policies often provide the detail
underlying its expectations. Policies also can provide the initial
framework for a new code of conduct and serve as additional resources to
support a code‘s standards. Where policies exist, they provide important
context for a code development or revision effort.
Four Parts
Part 1:
Contains the duties and responsibilities of employers, workers, and the
government in maintaining discipline in industry
Part 2:
Enlists the common obligations of Management and unions Part 3 : Deals with
obligations of management only
Part 4:
Relates to those unions only
Part1: To
maintain Discipline in Industry ( Both in
public and Private sector)
Ø Recognition
of employers and workers must be defined by laws and agreements.
Ø Proper
and willing discharge by either party of its obligation consequent on such
Part2: To
Ensure Better discipline in Industry , Management and Union(s) Agree
Ø No
Unilateral action should be taken
Ø Existing
machinery for settlement of dispute.
Ø No strike
or lockout without notice
Ø Must
follow the democracy principles by mutual negotiation, conciliation and
voluntary arbitration
Ø Must
promote constructive cooperation
Ø In
Grievance based speedy and full investigation must be followed.
Ø Educate
the Management and workers regarding obligations
Management Agrees
Ø Not to
increase workloads
Ø Not to
support or encourage any unfair labor practice as interference, discrimination,
Ø To take
prompt actions as settlement of grievance Implementation of settlements,
awards, decisions and orders
Ø To take
appropriate disciplinary action against officers and members in which they are
responsible for indiscipline among employees.
Ø Warning,
reprimand, suspension will appeal through normal grievance procedure.
Ø Must
follow the rules of Indian Labor conference held in May 1958. Part4:Union(s)
Ø Not to
encourage any form f physical duress
Ø Not to
Permit demonstrations
Ø Unless
law, agreement or practice the employee must not engage in any union activity during
working hours
Ø Discourage
unfair labour practices as damage to property, careless operation
Ø To take
prompt action to implement awards , agreements and decisions.
Ø To
display the rules in local languages at important places in union offices.
Ø Moral sections
of code of conduct
Ø To ask
the unit to explain the infringement of the code
Ø To give
notice to the unit within specific period
Ø Not to
give countenance to non members who did not observe the code
Ø A dispute
must not be referred for strikes and lockouts
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