Server Architecture
In the evolution of network architecture, various
critical networks related problems are getting resolved by client server
architecture model. The client server architecture introduces application
sharing mechanism between two different hardware systems over the network
(Internet/intranet). In 1990’s Internet was emerging in the computer network
field. The main objective of Internet implies that an application is shared by
more than one hardware either it could be a server or client machine.
The server is a high performance hardware machine
which can run more than one application concurrently. The client is a separate
hardware machine which is connected with server in the network
(Internet/intranet). It could send the request and receive the response from
the server hardware. The Server and client are also called as service provider
and service requester respectively.
Client server architecture shown above in Figure
4.2 is classified into three types, as follows
• Single Tier Architecture
• Two Tier Architecture
• N/Multi/Three tire architecture
This architecture is used for the server, accessed
by client. The client applicationruns inside the server machine itself. This
acts as a single layer interaction as in Figure 4.3.
This architecture is used for the server, accessed
by client as two layer interactions. Such as Client layer in tire one and
server layer in tire Two. Refer Figure 4.4
This architecture is used for the server, accessed
by client through more than one layer interaction. The programmer could decide
the count of business logic layers according to the software requirement that
is the reason this model is also known as Multi three Tire Architecture as
shown in Figure 4.5.
Most of the server side scripting languages are
working on any one the client server architecture model. Webserver is software
which is running in server hardware. It takes the responsibilities for
compilation and execution of server side scripting languages.
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