Cervix Abnormalities
May also affect the course of labour and birth. Three general types of
cervical abnormalities have been identified.
The septate cervix consists of a ring of muscular tissue partitioned by
a septum that either extends down ward from the uterus or up ward from the
vagina or is contained completely with in the cervix itself.
A single hemi cervix or half-cervix results from incomplete and
asymmetrical development in which only one mullerian duct matures.
A double cervix has two separate cervices in one uterus vaginal
abnormalities also occur. The most common abnormality is the presence of vaginal
septa and some time there is an absence of vagina.
Imperforated hymen
Complete or paritial
vaginal atresia
Parital transvers
membreane (occurs in the upper vagina)
B. Failure of re-canalization of the Mullerian
ducts. Thiswill head to atresia of the
upper vagina or of the cervix.
Lead to adouble uterus, a double cervix and two
vagina opening in to a common vulva, or into two vulvae.
Absence of one duct- unicrnuate uterus with single oviduct
Incomplte development of one duct results in unicrnuate uterus with two
Half or paricial of vagina (fuction normally)
Absence of both -ducts means that neither oviducts nor uterus is present
Cysts of the hydatid of morgagni in the mesovarium / leave of broad
ligaments in the lateral vaginal wall
The malformations do not usually reduce fertility, and should the woman
become pregnant, they may cause complications which lead to their detection.
Late abortion
preterm labour
obstructed labour ,retained placenta & PPH
Cervical abnormalities affect labour and birth to varying degrees,
depending on the ability of the cervix to dilate and efface to permit delivery.
It increases risk of cervical rupture and hemorrhage.
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