The formation of platelet
aggregates and thrombi in ar-terial blood may precipitate coronary vasospasm
and occlusion, myocardial infarction, and stroke and con-tribute to
atherosclerotic plaque development. Drugs
that inhibit platelet function are
administered for the rel-atively specific prophylaxis of arterial thrombosis
and for the prophylaxis and therapeutic management of myocardial infarction and
stroke. After an infarction or stroke,
antiplatelet therapy must be initiated within 2 hours to obtain significant
benefit. The antiplatelet drugs are administered as adjuncts to thrombolytic
therapy, along with heparin, to maintain perfusion and to limit the size of the
myocardial infarction. Recently, antiplatelet drugs have found new importance
in preventing thrombosis in percutaneous coronary inter-vention procedures
(angioplasty and stent). Admin-istration of an antiplatelet drug increases the
risk of bleeding.
Aspirin inhibits platelet
aggregation and prolongs bleeding time. It is useful for preventing coronary
thrombosis in patients with unstable angina, as an ad-junct to thrombolytic
therapy, and in reducing recur-rence of thrombotic stroke. It acetylates and
irreversibly inhibits cyclooxygenase (primarily cyclooxygenase-1) both in
platelets, preventing the formation of TxA2, and in endothelial
cells, inhibiting the synthesis of PGI2 . While endothelial cells
can synthesize cy-clooxygenase, platelets cannot. The goal of therapy with aspirin
is to selectively inhibit the synthesis of platelet TxA2 and thereby
inhibit platelet aggregation. This is ac-complished with a low dose of
aspirin (160 to 325 mg per day), which spares the endothelial synthesis of PGI2.
If ibuprofen is taken concurrently, it will bind re-versibly to cyclooxygenase
and prevent the access of as-pirin to its acetylation site and thus antagonize
the abil-ity of aspirin to inhibit platelets. Dipyridamole (Persantine), a coronary vasodilator, is
a phosphodi-esterase inhibitor that increases platelet cyclic adeno-sine
monophosphate (cAMP) concentrations. It also may potentiate the effect of PGI2,
which stimulates platelet adenylate cyclase. However, dipyridamole itself has
little effect on platelets in vivo. Dipyridamole in combination with warfarin
is beneficial in patients with artificial heart valves; it is also useful in
combination with aspirin (Aggrenox)
for the secondary prevention of stroke.
Ticlopidine (Ticlid) and clopidogrel (Plavix) are structurally related drugs
that irreversibly inhibit platelet activation by blocking specific purinergic
recep-tors for ADP on the platelet membrane. This action in-hibits ADP-induced
expression of platelet membrane GPIIb/IIIa and fibrinogen binding to activated
platelets. Ticlopidine and clopidogrel are useful antithrombotic drugs. Oral
ticlopidine is indicated for prevention of thrombotic stroke in patients who
cannot tolerate as-pirin and for patients who have had thrombotic stroke.
Inhibition of ADP-induced platelet aggregation occurs within 4 days, and the
full effect requires approximately 10 days. Ticlopidine is taken with food, is
well absorbed, binds extensively to plasma proteins, and is metabolized by the
liver. Gastrointestinal disturbances, neutropenia, and agranulocytosis have
been observed. Clopidogrel produces fewer side effects than ticlopidine.
Pharmacological agents, such
as abciximab (ReoPro), eptifibatide (Integrillin), and tirofiban (Aggrastat), that interrupt the
interaction of fibrinogen and Von Willebrand’s factor with the platelet
GPIIb/IIIa complex are capable of inhibiting aggregation of platelets
acti-vated by a wide variety of stimuli. These drugs are given intravenously.
The chimeric monoclonal antibody abcix-imab binds to the GPIIb/IIIa complex,
preventing inter-actions of fibrinogen and Von Willebrand’s factor with the integrin
receptor. Abciximab is used in conjunction with angioplasty and stent
procedures and is an adjunct to fibrinolytic therapy (discussed later).
Patients who have murine protein hypersensitivity or who have re-ceived
abciximab previously may produce an immune re-sponse after second
administration. Eptifibatide, a cyclic peptide, and tirofiban, a small
nonpeptide molecule, both bind reversibly to the GPIIb/IIIa complex and
competi-tively prevent the interaction of the clotting factors with this receptor.
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