VI. Answer the following
in detail
1. Write about crusades and its impact
• The Pope and the church called upon all the Christian People of
Europe to march to the rescue of the 'Holy City' (Jerusalem)
• The Crusaders had to fight against the seljuq Turks who controlled
those parts.
• The struggle between Christianity and Islam beginning in 1905 continued
for nearly 200 years and is called Crusades.
Impact of Crusades:
• Increasing demand for products of the East led to expansion of
trade. Venice, genoa, Pisa emerged as important commercial centres. Constantinople
ceased to be the middle man in the trade between the east and the west.
• Its influence strengthened the Monarchy in France and England.
The notable outcome was the less of prestige suffered by Papacy.
2. Who were the Mongols? How did they
rule China?.
The Rule of Mongols
• The external invasions ended the sung dynasty in China. The Mongols established their rule in the
name of Yuan dynasty.
• The Mongols, who overran Persia and the whole of central Asia,
also captured China. In 1252 Mangukhan appointed
Kublaikhan the Governor of China.
• The mongole presence in Eurasia played a key role in spreading
Chinese technological advances to the less developed Societies in the west, the
Mongol court in Beijing impressed the foreigner like Marco polo.
• The poverty of peasantry continued. There were revolts of religions
sects and secret societies.
• The leader of "Red
Turbans” Chu Yuan Chang proclaimed himself emperor in AD 1369
In an outline map of Europe, the students are to sketch the extent of Western and
Eastern Roman Empire.
Students are to be guided by teachers to Google the architectural splendours of
classical civilisation of Greece, Rome and China.
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