2. Bladder Cancer
Bladder cancer occurs at an average patient age of 65 years with
a 3:1 male to female ratio. Transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder is
second to prostate adenocarcinoma as the most common malignancy of the male
genitourinary tract. The association of cigarette smoking with bladder carcinoma
results in coexistent coronary artery and chronic obstruc-tive pulmonary
disease in many of these patients. Underlying renal impairment, when present,
may be age related or secondary to urinary tract obstruc-tion. Staging includes
cystoscopy and CT or MRI scans. Intravesical chemotherapy is used for
super-ficial tumors, and transurethral resection of blad-der tumors (TURBT) is
carried out via cystoscopy for low-grade, noninvasive bladder tumors. Some
patients may receive preoperative radiation to shrink the tumor before radical
cystectomy. Urinary diversion is usually performed immediately follow-ing the
TURBT differs from TURP in that the
surgical resection is not necessarily carried out in the mid-line. Bladder
tumors may occur at various sites within the bladder. Unfortunately, laterally
located tumors may lie in proximity to the obturator nerve. In such cases, if
spinal anesthesia or general anes-thesia without paralysis is administered,
every use of the cautery resectoscope results in stimulation of the obturator
nerve and adduction of the legs. Urologists rarely derive amusement from having
their ear struck by the patient’s knee; thus, in contrast to TURP, TURBT procedures
are more commonly per-formed with general anesthesia and neuromuscular
blockade. TURBT, unlike TURP, is rarely associated with absorption of
significant amounts of irrigating solution.
Radical cystectomy is a major operation
that is often associated with significant blood loss. It is usually performed
through a midline incision but is increas-ingly performed as a robot-assisted
laparoscopic procedure. All anterior pelvic organs including the bladder,
prostate, and seminal vesicles are removed in males; the bladder, uterus,
cervix, ovaries, and part of the anterior vaginal vault may be removed in
females. Pelvic node dissection and urinary diver-sion are also carried out.
These procedures typically require 4–6 h
and frequently are associated with blood transfusion. General endotracheal
anesthesia with a muscle relaxant provides optimal operating conditions.
Controlled hypotensive anesthesia may reduce intra-operative blood loss and
transfusion requirements. Many surgeons also believe controlled hypotension
improves surgical visualization. Supplementation of general anesthesia with
spinal or continuous epi-dural anesthesia can facilitate the induced
hypoten-sion, decrease general anesthetic requirements, and provide highly
effective postoperative analgesia.
Close monitoring of blood pressure,
intravas-cular volume, and blood loss is always appropriate. Direct
intraarterial pressure monitoring is indicated in most patients, and central
venous catheters are often placed. Urinary output should be monitored and
correlated with the progress of the operation, as the urinary path is
interrupted at an early point during most of these procedures. As with all
lengthy operative procedures, the risk of hypothermia should be minimized by
utilizing a forced-air warm-ing blanket and an intravenous fluid warmer.
Urinary diversion is usually performed immedi-ately following
radical cystectomy. Many proce-dures are currently used, but all entail
implanting the ureters into a segment of bowel. The selected bowel segment is
either left in situ, such as in ure-terosigmoidostomy, or divided with its
mesenteric blood supply intact and attached to a cutaneous stoma or urethra.
Moreover, the isolated bowel can either function as a conduit (eg, ileal
conduit) or be reconstructed to form a continent reservoir (neo-bladder).
Conduits may be formed from ileum, jejunum, or colon.
Major anesthetic goals for urinary diver-sion procedures include
keeping the patient well hydrated and maintaining a brisk urinary output once
the ureters are opened. Neuraxial anesthesia often produces unopposed
parasympathetic activity due to sympathetic blockade, which results in a
con-tracted, hyperactive bowel that makes construction of a continent ileal
reservoir technically difficult. Papaverine (100–150 mg as a slow intravenous
infu-sion over 2–3 h), a large dose of an anticholinergic (glycopyrrolate, 1
mg), or glucagon (1 mg) may alle-viate this problem.
Prolonged contact of urine with bowel mucosa (slow urine flow)
may produce significant meta-bolic disturbances. Hyponatremia, hypochloremia,
hyperkalemia, and metabolic acidosis can occur following construction of
jejunal conduits. In con-trast, colonic and ileal conduits may be associated
with hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis. The use of temporary ureteral stents
and maintenance of high urinary flow help alleviate this problem in the early
postoperative period.
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