Acute Dacryoa
Definition Acute inflammation of the lacrimal gland is a rare disorder characterized by intense
inflammation and extreme tenderness to palpation.
Etiology: The disorder is often attributable to pneumococci and
staphylo-cocci, and less frequently to streptococci. There may be a
relationship between the disorder and infectious diseases such as mumps,
measles, scar-let fever, diphtheria, and influenza.
Symptoms and diagnostic considerations: Acute dacryoadenitis usuallyoccurs unilaterally. The inflamed swollen gland is especially tender to palpa-tion.
The upper eyelid exhibits a characteristic
S-curve (Fig. 3.12).
❖Internal hordeolum (smaller and circumscribed).
❖ Eyelid abscess (fluctuation).
❖ Orbital cellulitis (usually associated with reduced motility of
the eyeball).
Treatment: This will depend on theunderlying
disorder.Moist heat,disinfect-ant compresses (Rivanol), and
local antibiotics are helpful.
Clinical course and prognosis: Acute inflammation of the lacrimal gland ischaracterized by a rapid clinical course and spontaneous healing within eight to ten days. The prognosis is good, and complications are not usually to beexpected.
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