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Chapter: Mechanical : Computer Aided Design : Visual Realism

Z - buffer algorithm

In Z-buffering, the depth of ‘Z’value is verified against available depth value. If the present pixel is behind the pixel in the Z-buffer, the pixel is eliminated, or else it is shaded and its depth value changes the one in the Z-buffer.

Z - buffer algorithm


Fig.3.3. Z- buffer algorithm


In Z-buffering, the depth of ‘Z’value is verified against available depth value. If the present pixel is behind the pixel in the Z-buffer, the pixel is eliminated, or else it is shaded and its depth value changes the one in the Z-buffer. Z-buffering helps dynamic visuals easily, and is presently introduced effectively in graphics hardware.



·        Depth buffering is one of the easiest hidden surface algorithms

·        It keeps follow of the space to nearest object at every pixel position.


·       Initialized to most negative z value.


·        when image being drawn, if its z coordinate at a position is higher than z buffer value, it is drawn, and new z coordinate value is stored; or else, it is not drawn


·        If a line in three dimensional is being drawn, then the middle z values are interpolated: linear interpolation for polygons, and can calculate z for more difficult surfaces.



Algorithm: loop on y;


loop on x;


zbuf[x,y] = infinity;


loop on objects




loop on y within y range of this object




loop on x within x range of this scan line of this object




if z(x,y) < zbuf[x,y] compute z of this object at this pixel & test zbuf[x,y] = z(x,y) update z-buffer


image[x,y] = shade(x,y) update image (typically RGB)








Basic operations:


1.    compute y range of an object


2.    compute x range of a given scan line of an object


3.    Calculate intersection point of a object with ray through pixel position (x,y).




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