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Chapter: Clinical Cases in Anesthesia : Preterm Infant

What is the definition of prematurity?

Prematurity is defined as a gestational age less than 37 weeks from the last menstrual period at the time of birth.

What is the definition of prematurity?


Prematurity is defined as a gestational age less than 37 weeks from the last menstrual period at the time of birth. Prematurity may be subdivided into borderline prematu-rity (36–37 weeks’ gestation), moderate prematurity (31–36 weeks’ gestation), and severe prematurity (24–30 weeks’ gestation.) Severely premature neonates have the most significant physiologic disturbances affecting multiple organ systems. A thorough review of the ex-premature infant’s neonatal course is critical in providing the appro-priate anesthetic care. This review should include discus-sions with the neonatologist as well as the nurses who were involved in the patient’s care.


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