Weightlessness in Space
A person in an orbiting satellite or a nonpropelled spacecraft
experiences weightlessness, or a
state of near-zero G force, which is sometimes called micro-gravity. That is, the person is not drawn toward thebottom,
sides, or top of the spacecraft but simply floats inside its chambers. The
cause of this is not failure of gravity to pull on the body, because gravity
from any nearby heavenly body is still active. However, the gravity acts on
both the spacecraft and the person at the same time, so that both are pulled
with exactly the same acceleratory forces and in the same direction. For this
reason, the person simply is not attracted toward any specific wall of the
Problems of Weightlessness (Microgravity). Thephysiologic problems of weightlessness
have not proved to be of much significance, as long as the period of
weightlessness is not too long. Most of the problems that do occur are related
to three effects of the weight-lessness: (1) motion sickness during the first
few days of travel, (2) translocation of fluids within the body because of
failure of gravity to cause normal hydro-static pressures, and (3) diminished
physical activity because no strength of muscle contraction is required to
oppose the force of gravity.
Almost 50 per cent of astronauts experience motion sickness, with
nausea and sometimes vomiting, during the first 2 to 5 days of space travel.
This probably results from an unfamiliar pattern of motion signals arriving in
the equilibrium centers of the brain, and at the same time lack of
gravitational signals.
The observed effects of prolonged stay in space are the following:
(1) decrease in blood volume, (2) decrease in red blood cell mass, (3) decrease
in muscle strength and work capacity, (4) decrease in maximum cardiac output,
and (5) loss of calcium and phosphate from the bones, as well as loss of bone
mass. Most of these same effects also occur in people who lie in bed for an
extended period of time. For this reason, exer-cise programs are carried out by
astronauts during prolonged space missions.
In previous space laboratory expeditions in which the exercise
program had been less vigorous, the astro-nauts had severely decreased work
capacities for the first few days after returning to earth. They also had a
tendency to faint (and still do, to some extent) when they stood up during the
first day or so after return to gravity because of diminished blood volume and
diminished responses of the arterial pressure control mechanisms.
Muscle, and Bone “Deconditioning” During Prolonged Exposure to Weightlessness. During very longspace flights
and prolonged exposure to microgravity, gradual “deconditioning” effects occur
on the cardio-vascular system, skeletal muscles, and bone despite rig-orous
exercise during the flight. Studies of astronauts on space flights lasting
several months have shown that they may lose as much 1.0 percent of their bone
mass each month even though they continue to exercise. Substantial atrophy of
cardiac and skeletal muscles also occurs during prolonged exposure to a
micro-gravity environment.
One of the most serious effects is cardiovascular “deconditioning”,
which includes decreased work capacity, reduced blood volume, impaired
barorecep-tor reflexes, and reduced orthostatic tolerance. These changes
greatly limit the astronauts’ ability to stand upright or perform normal daily
activities after return-ing to the full gravity of Earth. Astronauts returning
from space flights lasting 4 to 6 months are also sus-ceptible to bone
fractures and may require several weeks before they return to pre-flight
cardiovascular, bone, and muscle fitness. As space flights become longer in
preparation for possible human exploration of other planets, such as Mars, the
effects of prolonged microgravity could pose a very serious threat to
astro-nauts after they land, especially in the event of an emergency landing.
Therefore, considerable research effort has been directed toward developing
counter-measures, in addition to exercise, that can prevent or more effectively
attenuate these changes. One such countermeasure that is being tested is the
application of intermittent “artificial gravity” caused by short periods (e.g.,
1 hour each day) of centrifugal accelera-tion of the astronauts while they sit
in specially designed short-arm centrifuges that create forces of up to 2 to 3
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