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Importance, Ways, strategies - Water conservation | 9th Science : Environmental Science

Chapter: 9th Science : Environmental Science

Water conservation

Water is one of the precious natural resources. Clean and fresh water is essential for almost every human activity. Pollution has decreased our own water supply. We are polluting and decreasing the water for all creatures on earth.

Water conservation

Water is one of the precious natural resources. Clean and fresh water is essential for almost every human activity. Pollution has decreased our own water supply. We are polluting and decreasing the water for all creatures on earth.

Water conservation is the preservation, control and management of water resources. It also includes activities to protect the hydrosphere and to meet the current and future human demand.


1. Importance of water conservation

·           It creates more efficient use of the water resources.

·           It ensures that we have enough usable water.

·           It helps in decreasing water pollution.

·           It helps in increasing energy saving.


2. Ways of water conservation

Industrial conservation

Water conservation measures that can be taken by industries are:

·           using dry cooling systems.

·           if water is used as cooling agent, reusing the water for irrigation or other purposes.

Agricultural conservation

Agricultural water is often lost due to leaks in canals, run off and evaporation. Some of the water conserving methods are:

·           using lined or covered canals that reduce loss of water and evaporation.

·           using improved techniques such as sprinklers and drip irrigation.

·           encouraging the development of crops that require less water and are drought resistant.

·           mulching of soil in vegetable cultivation and in horticulture.

Domestic conservation

All of us have the responsibility to conserve water. We can conserve water by the following activities:

·           Using a bucket of water to take bath than taking a shower.

·           Using low flow taps.

·           Using recycled water for lawns.

·           Repairing the leaks in the taps.

·           Recycling or reusing water where ever it is possible.


3. Some of the strategies to support water conservation

·           Rain water harvesting.

·           Improved irrigation techniques.

·           Active use of traditional water harvesting structures.

·           Minimising domestic water consumption.

·           Awareness on water conservation.

·           Construction of farm ponds.

·           Recycling of water.


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9th Science : Environmental Science : Water conservation | Importance, Ways, strategies

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