All of the vitamins are used
as specific treatments for their respective deficiency diseases. The dosages
re-quired will vary depending on the severity of the dis-ease and the vitamin.
Vitamins have also been used like drugs to “treat” diseases. However, unlike
drug prod-ucts, vitamins are not reviewed by the U. S. Food and Drug
Administration before formulations appear on the market. Vitamins are considered
to be dietary sup-plements under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education
Act (DSHEA). Vitamins and other dietary supplements are not permitted to be
marketed as a treatment or cure for a specific disease or condition un-less the
vitamin is approved as a drug for that purpose. However, under DSHEA,
supplement manufacturers may make health claims, such as the link between a
food substance and a disease or health-related condition. This may make it
difficult for patients to assess the need for vitamin supplementation.
Legitimate clinical research
is being conducted with vitamins in many areas including heart disease,
ophthal-mological disease, neurocognitive function, and derma-tological
diseases. It is important for physicians to be aware of scientific information
that either supports or refutes a role for vitamins in the maintenance of
health or in the avoidance of disease.
Vitamin A can suppress many
chemically induced tu-mors in the laboratory. Epidemiological evidence
sug-gests that foods rich in carotenes or vitamin A are asso-ciated with a
lower risk of cancer. However, the use of vitamin A supplementation is not
advised because of the toxicities produced by large amounts of this vitamin.
The antioxidant properties of
vitamins C and E can inhibit the formation of some carcinogens. The
antioxi-dant vitamins have been studied as cancer chemopre-ventive agents for
many cancer types, including gas-trointestinal and ovarian cancers. However,
data are not sufficient to draw conclusions about the vitamins’ ef-fects on
human cancers.
The role of the antioxidant
properties of vitamins C, E, and β-carotene in the prevention of cardiovascular
dis-ease has been the focus of several recent studies. Antioxidants reduce the
oxidation of low-density lipoproteins, which may play a role in the prevention
of atherosclerosis. However, an inverse relationship be-tween the intake or
plasma levels of these vitamins and the incidence of coronary heart disease has
been found in only a few epidemiological studies. One study showed that
antioxidants lowered the level of high-density lipoprotein 2 and interfered
with the effects of lipid-altering therapies given at the same time. While many
groups recommend a varied diet rich in fruits and veg-etables for the
prevention of coronary artery disease, empirical data do not exist to recommend
antioxidant supplementation for the prevention of coronary disease.
Niacin has been used
clinically to lower serum cho-lesterol levels . It is used as adjunctive therapy
in patients with hyperlipidemia. It is one of the drugs of first choice for
patients who do not respond ad-equately to diet and weight loss.
Vitamin A and its retinoid
analogues have gained pop-ularity in the treatment of acne and other
dermatologi-cal diseases .
Vitamin K supplements are
given to neonates until normal intestinal bacteria that are capable of
producing the vitamin develop.
Folic acid supplements are
given to pregnant women to decrease the risk of neural tube defects such as
spina bifida. Prenatal vitamin preparations that contain higher concentrations
of folic acid must be dispensed under a health care worker’s guidance because
high folate in-takes can mask the symptoms of pernicious anemia.
A study of the vitamins in
neurocognitive diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease have not provided
sufficient evidence to demonstrate that vitamins play a role in the prevention
of these diseases.
Clinical trials have also
been conducted to study the effect of the antioxidants on the progression of
age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and vision loss. The Age-Related Eye
Disease Study Research Group recommends supplements of zinc and antioxidants
for adults at risk for developing AMD. However, the group cautions about unknown
long-term effects of high-dose supplementation.
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