Using Biological Systems
Consequently, a number of themes and similarities of approach
exist, which run as common and repeated threads throughout the whole of the
science. Thus, optimisation of the activities of particular organisms, or even
whole biological communities, to bring about any desired given end, typically
requires manipula-tion of local conditions. Control of temperature, the
accessibility of nutrients and the availability of oxygen are commonly the
tools employed, especially when the target effectors are microbes or isolated
biological derivatives. For the kind of whole organism approaches typified by
phytotechnological interventions discussed, this may prove a more difficult
proposition, but nevertheless, one which still remains relevant at least in
principle. The typical factors affecting the use of biological systems in
environmental engineering relate to the nature of the substances needing to be
removed or treated and to the localised envi-ronmental conditions pertaining to
the particular situation itself. Thus, in respect of the former, the intended
target of the bioprocessing must generally be both susceptible and available to
biological attack, in aqueous solution, or at least in contact with water, and
within a low to medium toxicity range. Generally, the local environmental
conditions required would ideally offer a temperature of 20 – 30 ◦ C but a
range of 0 – 50 ◦ C will be tolerated in most cases, while an optimum pH lies
in the range 6.5 – 7.5, but again a wider tolerance of 5.0 – 9.0 may be
acceptable, dependent on the precise organism involved. For land-based
applications, especially in the remediation of contamination or as a component
of integrated pollution control measures, there is an additional common
constraint on the substrate. Typically the soil types best suited to
biotechnological inter-ventions are sands and gravels, with their
characteristically low nutrient status, good drainage, permeability and
aeration. By contrast, biological treatments are not best suited to use in
clays or peat or other soils of high organic content. In addition, generalised
nutrient availability, oxygenation and the presence of other contaminants can
all play a role in determining the suitability of biological intervention for
any given application.
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